WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 2016

Hallo all.  Off to eat pizza and drink wine. Back later.

  • Nothing to forgive, Heather!!   Good that everything is going well there on your major update.  Please try not to lose sleep over it:  it will all be fine in the end, I promise!  How nice it will be.......

    I see by looking at the front pages of the press online, that the Bakeoff debacle is making major news:  there's certainly a lot of anger amongst those of us who love this gentle programme and will not forgive them for taking it from us, as one thing is for sure, it will never be the same.

  • Good morning all,

    I am quietly melting in the heat, but i believe it is even warmer further east.

    Just come back from my favourite supermarket, and given the gardeners their coffee (as you do). More about the garden another time.

    Pleased the kitchen work is progressing well, Heather. I also inherited an integral table when I moved here.That also 'went'

    I like to see flocks of geese and ducks as well, Lindy. The gulls are back on the boats on the river here, although  some returned in July. I have seen several cormorants too.

    Thinking of Diane, and good wishes to all others with problems.

  • Dear All

    Thanks all for the kind thoughts.

    Saw Consultant yesterday and it seems the 3 units of blood a couple of weeks ago definitely improved matters. Much to my amazement I only required 1 unit of blood. I asked why there was this improvement and she said that when me levels start to drop it starts slowly and then you reach a point where levels drop low very quickly and that was happening when  I just went every 3 weeks... The appointment every 2 weeks will now continue in the hope my levels will be more stable But of course as she says things will probably change. I did have to have a platelet transfusion which I thought I would need. Have terrible bruises everywhere, only have to brush against something and I get a bruise. Also prescribed some medication to hopefully stop the big bruises. No need to take them now as I have had platelets, just take one when needed. All in all I feel delighted that I am feeling relatively good at the moment.While I was having my transfusion there was a very violent storm raging outside. Torrential rain, thunder and lots lightening which  as you know I hate. Knocked the computer systems out at the hospital and they were still down when I left. 

    OH has secured some part-time work (just 10 hours a week) and will be able to do most of this at home. A person we both worked for  got in touch and offered him work as he requires it. Has kept in touch over the years and it seems like fate he would turn up at this time. If and when needed he will hve a job which is a relief for me. As an accountant OH has to keep up with all the changes which are happening all the time. I think it will be be good for him to have this work and keep his hand in. If things do worsen it is understood that he will need to be with me but feeling as i do at the moment that is not on the horizon.

    We are going to have a day out in Friday to revisit a pub near Bridport. Will have a drive through the countryside on the way. Plans also in place for another breakfast and a Sunday roast. My appetite is quite good at the moment although I don't do large meals,

    My poor sister is still waiting to hear from the hospital but is thinking more positively. She said if they thought it was cancer they woukd have seen her before now. Still in pain  which is controlled my medication but she just wants to know what the problem is.

    Keith pleased to read that things are settling down legally. Sorry to read about the asthma hope it can be controlled for you. So nice you had decent weather while you were away and managed to get out and about. I know things are a little difficult being a career. Sunday roast sounds a real bargain and as you say not worth doing yourself at that price.

    AQ mind how you go in the garden as you woukd not want to miss your upcoming bus trip.

    Annette hope you are still smiling at your clean house, trouble it is not long before dust makes an unwelcome return.

    dibnlib sorry to read about Benson hope his recovery is ongoing

    Lindybird pleased you had a decent weekend away and I hope you have recovered from the infection. I am vertpy didpsappointed hat Bake Off is going to Channel 4. With new presenters and all the adverts it will not be the same. I used to enjoy Saturday kitchen but that is just not the same since James Martin left.

    OG as ever you are well organised and obviously feeling better than you felt a few weeks ago.

    Lynette you enjoyed your swim and can hardly believe cricket season is just about over.

    Heather you sound very calm about the upheaval and bet you can't wait for it to be finished.

    Off to have my lunch now, OH even made my sandwiches before he went out even though I said I could do it, what a treasure he is.

    Take care all and have a good day.

    Love Margo x

  • Special thoughts for Diane at a traumatic time.

  • Margo. Good to hear such a positive report!.

  • Lovely to see such a positive post from you Margo and that you and your OH are getting out and about. Hope your sister gets an appointment soon.

    Best wishes to everyone else, especially thinking of Diane and her brother.


    Kind regards


  • LINDY   That three masted vessel will be "Statsraad Lehmkuhl" She was a regular visitor to Lerwick when we lived there. Built in Germany, it is worth looking up her history. She is indeed a beauty. good to know she is still around.

  • Just popped in to see who's been writing, and very pleased to see such a good report from Margo.  How nice that you will be able to look forward to some more outings, Margo.  You must naturally be worried about your sister but I think she is right and they would have contacted her if it looked too serious. She must be wondering what it is, though, that's giving her such pain.  Hope they can sort it soon.

    The sun has come out here and its getting very warm again:  great to wash some sweaters, and my OH has cleaned a rug which needs time to dry. Off now to do more things off my List before lunch!

  • dibnlib said:

    LINDY   That three masted vessel will be "Statsraad Lehmkuhl" She was a regular visitor to Lerwick when we lived there. Built in Germany, it is worth looking up her history. She is indeed a beauty. good to know she is still around.

    Thanks dibnlib.   I did not have time to look for it, as I was getting dressed at the time!  Will go and have a look at her history at lunchtime.

  • dibnlib said:

    LINDY   That three masted vessel will be "Statsraad Lehmkuhl" She was a regular visitor to Lerwick when we lived there. Built in Germany, it is worth looking up her history. She is indeed a beauty. good to know she is still around.

    Indeed it is and the link is very informative as you say. Thank you.