Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 August 2016


Just to cheer everyone: Here are some cute wild raccoons ("trash pandas") that were playing at the Nature Center at the Turkey Run State Park just down the road from me. There are several pics.

Everyone have a wonderful week!


  • Hey Diane: Thanks for the new week.  Cute raccoons.

    Good day today; got the bird feeder (no winged types have noticed it yet) and went to gym.  Sun came out around 4 p.m. Washing machine doing its thing right now.  Plan a garden day tomorrow.

  • Good Morning, All.

    Many Thanks to DIANE for starting us off again.

    Dry here, so we are hoping to go for a walk. Glad you got your bird feeder, Annette. Enjoy your day in the garden.

  • Just looked at the raccoons, Diane!  Cute as buttons, as we say here!!

    ps -  I already feel a lot better, so what she gave me to take must be strong!

  • Good Morning -

    Thank you DIANE for getting us going.

    LINDY - Glad that you are feeling better already and going out for a walk.

    ANNETTE - Enjoy your day in the garden. It is a pity that lavender plants get so woody in what seems no time at all. I take it that the feeder you replaced wasn't the humming bird feeder?

    My OH's home blood pressure readings are much lower than those that the doc did. I think it is what we used to call 'white coat syndrome'.

    Youngest family spent their first night in the new house but had to return to their rented house for showers this morning! I think that they just wanted to get most of the move completed in case SiL gets sent away with work. And that doesn't look likely at the moment. The dreaded cut off date and possible redundancy at end of September draws ever nearer.

    Regards to all

  • Hello.  Enjoyed our walk:  Bonnie ran into a mud puddle and had to be washed when we got home as she smelt!!

    Heather:  funny, but I used that expression yesterday when I had my BP taken by the Doc. Mine goes up as soon as they put that thing on your arm! Good that your home readings are low :-)

    Hope your youngest and family can get settled into the new house now, and clean it a bit at a time, perhaps.

    Sunny here now that the afternoon is drawing to a close.  Nice to see the last of the garden plants still flowering, we have several things which come out now.  Noticed that our front hanging basket, right by the front door, is looking bedraggled, so it will have to come down soon, plus the bracket that its hanging from which is looking decidedly shabby.

  • Thought I would press on with the Flower Show pics now, as there are only a few left.

    These I have saved to near the end, as I spied it from afar and was just "blown away" as they say these days:  People were gasping in surprise and delight as it was so very dramatic and clever:

         ~  ~   Just beautiful!  and yours, for only 38 thousand pounds!!

    My favourite thing at the Show, apart from the beautiful flowers everywhere, of course.

  • Morning all: Just had nice long chat with sister in UK and niece who's up with them for the weekend. Apparently, they've spent much of the time dodging showers in the garden.

    Heather: Yes, lavender is reckoned to have a 5-year-life and these have been in the ground for 6, so I expect I'll be replacing them all over the next year or two. I've been cutting them back by a third each year as recommended; still.... I don't think I'll be replanting the same thing; maybe something that only needs attention once a year if at all!  And no, it wasn't a hummingbird feeder, but a normal one that is light and easy to refill. Birds have just discovered it and I'm a bit worried that the rim isn't wide enough to let them land/eat comfortably!  :-)  How is the house cleaning going for your youngest?  I had ketchup and mayo spilled on the shelves of my Long Beach house when I moved in - but then the couple who'd owned it for decades were more or less carried out feet first and they left it to their church.

    Sun is out early today so must get organized and see what needs doing...

    EDIT: Lindybird: Who buys these distressed wood sculptures?  

  • Two of the last gardens we saw:

    My OH hated this one, but the idea was that you could draw the glass screens and live 'outdoors but indoors' without the wind blowing you. No one said who was going to clean the acres of glass, though!!

    This looked peaceful to sit in:

  • Annette:  Don't know, but there is plenty of money around here.  Very swish cars in the car parks in town - I'm terrified of damaging a Ferrari or a Rolls, sometimes!  Regards the sculptures, I think I would baulk at that price even if I had the money!   They would not last forever.....

  • I don't think I put this one on already, so here goes...

    Or this:

    Edit:  Think that last one should be part of the previous post with the Glass Screen Garden!