Daily Update (LG Nest) Sunday 11th July

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  • Sweltering here in - yesterday - about 34C and high humidity, it was such a pleasure to hear the wind and see the raindrops on the camera.  Cooled me down very slightly, apart from the stress of watching one of the chicks go up vertically several times out of camera range and then come down looking somewhat amazed at his/her prowess.



  • EJ was  giving a demonstration of  beak cleaning and sharpening on a branch and  two of the chicks  were  watching her very closely . One tried the  procedure as she watched . Then she  showed it again how to do it  correctly :) 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • I've dashing in & out this afternoon, glancing at the screen, counting two, no, there's the 3rd camouflaged. If today is the day, I shall miss #1's fledging. I must go & get tea. Maybe sneak back later. 

  • Morning all ... thanks for overnight chat ... looks like they have been in training for the big fledge already today! The first thing I did when I logged on was to count the bodies :-) Sounds windy at LG, but peace reigns on the nest ... two lying down and one preening!

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Good morning all and thanks for the news during the twilight hours to the night shift.  Couldn't watch last night but from today's posts can see that one of the youngsters is doing his best to take off.  Glad EJ has brought breakfast for them and I suppose it was up to her usual standard.  Have just read the main blog page and surprised that yet another person seems determined to spoil things for us.  I will not react this time and perhaps they will go away.  Sounds windy again but dry at the moment and sun shining on them whilst they preen and generally make themselves beautiful.  Radio chaffinch in the background a usual.  Got to go and do a couple of jobs now but back later.


  • Morning everyone.  Tiger - thank you for that informative snippet. I'm looking forward to (hoping for) a fledging today given that I can watch most of the day.  Great to have the overnight updates from our friends from overseas Barbara Jean, Annette and aquilareen.  Heron77 - you were up late and I don't envy the heat in your area Loire.  Its pretty windy again across Scotland which hopefully will assist numero un chick with take-off.

  • 09.05  Fish delivery from Odin  which EJ accepts gracefully.

  • Morning all, thanks for all your updates and for the pic.

    At present all are lying down on the nest with the wind  howling around.  EJ is shouting and has just come back to the nest, fish delivery imminent and Odin arrives with one and is straight off again.  EJ  hesitates to feed them, probably leaving them to feed themselves. No one is attempting to feed at present.

  • Is there an intruder about?  They are motionless on the nest and I think I hear Odin shouting

  • Morning Lynette.  Two are feeding now.  One is having a lie-in

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