Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 August 2016


Everyone have a good week!

  • PS- welcome home, LINDY. Thinking about your OH' s back - maybe the break will have done him good. I bet he'll be down at the allotment tomorrow, though!

  • Heather - Sorry, but I had to laugh about the bucket!  My OH has already been down to the allotment, and picked peas and our first tomatoes of this year. So we ate bacon omelettes tonight, with our own peas!

    His back is slightly better, but he's disappointed that it's not more improved, and will probably go back to the chiropractor next week.

    Brenda - Good that you've found a gardener you like.

  • Just enjoyed the latest episode of the Highlands: Scotland's Wild Heart. Wonderful pictures of Golden Eagle chicks and Grebes.

  • Hi all , not been on since beginning of week.

    Dibnib - just read on the latest page about your OH. Has he been diagnosed with AF , it certainly sounds as if it could be. I have AF as well as having had a hole in the heart repaired 8 years ago.   Just live a normal , uneventful life. I'm sure he will be OK once on some treatment.

    Dau enjoying herself in Kos.  Phoned us tonight - been on a boat trip all day so felt a bit tired, very hot out there, 40 degrees.

    Haven't read back but do hope that all of you are OK.  Have a great weekend.

  • Watched that as well, Lindybird.  Magnificent scenery.

  • Hi all not been on here for a while juast got some bad news some will already know via fb others wont we lost our dog bobbie she sadly passed away early last thursday morning

  • Evening all: The first "normal" day in two weeks!  Managed to tidy up the roses and other bits and pieces in the garden.

    Alicat: Great to see you but so sorry to read about Bobbie.  How old was she?  

    AQ:  Will keep up with the exercises coz I really want you to go on that trip. Can your OH take you to the departure point to avoid the Fun Run closures? Brilliant that the clown's sausages are proving so versatile.

    dibnlib:  Gosh, guess it was a good thing they discovered your OH's ticker isn't keeping good time. How long before the cardiologist appointment I wonder?

    Rosy: A knitted French onion seller? Maybe he should meet AQ's sausages?

    Lindybird: Managed to hang in and fingers crossed the rest of August will be a little more predictable!  You and OH will just have to buy all-weather outfits to keep at the caravan - a good excuse for a shopping trip.  I can't believe that Costco already has winter jackets, etc - and Hallowe'en costumes! My daughter has volunteer tomatoes in her garden that she ignores completely and they're wonderful, but for the second year mine, bought from a good source and planted in much lauded soil, are positively puny!

    Heather:  Those window/door frames collect so much dirt, dead bugs, etc., especially in the corners.  Old toothbrushes/Q-tips work (but don't ask me when I last took that much trouble).  Oh dear, stepping in the bucket sounds like something I'd do (sweary words and all).

    Diane: I'll start the thread tomorrow.  Do hope things have stabilized at bit with your bro. Hugs to you ducky.

    Take care all

  • Thanks for everyones thoughts. HEATHER  Maybe another 6 weeks, they are talking about 3 months from the referral letter.

  • LYNETTE  Yes AF. One of the meds states he has to wait at least 30 mins before eating wholemeal bread or certain cereals. Well I didn't know about the cereals so when he put some into a bowl and put milk on them I said nothing.  They ended up on the bird table when he remembered. He then looked at the pills as if they poison.

  • ALICAT   sorry to hear about Bobbie.