Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 August 2016


Everyone have a good week!

  • AQ -  You snook in whilst I was typing...  Well done on all counts, doing exercises and knitting sausages, LOL!!

    MARGO -  So pleased you're enjoying your meals out, and booking up the shows!  Yay!

  • OG   Glad things are not too bad, whatever it is. Off for a swim shortly.

  • Will do my best to get on here later today. OH is finally able to work outside - no rain - and I am giving our bedroom a thorough clean including washing curtains and windows etc.

    Have read all your news, especially great to hear from MARGO.

  • Update on petition : 688 signed in last hour

  • It has come as a bit of a shock to find out that OH has a heart problem. It seems his heart isn't pumping quite well as it should and is slightly irregular and a little fast. Everyone on his Mums side has been affected so I suppose it shouldn't come as a shock. I hasten to add his Mum lived to the age of 83 though her last few years weren't much fun. He will now be on lots of meds. He will get more advice when he finally sees the cardiologist

  • Sorry to read about your OH, Dibnlib.

    Yes, I am sure he will get more information after seeing a cardiologist. I know how long that can take! Once you finally get to see a consultant, the NHS is brilliant!

    It is sad about his Mum, but treatment does improve all the time.

  • AQ,  I love the sausage story! How big are these sausages and how many stitches?

    I once knitted a French onion seller, complete with a string of onions. It took me ages and the sewing up was more than tedious! The onions were of different sizes.

  • Dibnlib sorry to hear about your OH. I know you will be worried but hope you can get a quick appointment and he can receive the appropriate treatment  it came as a terrible shock to me but 3 weeks on from having a pacemaker I feel OK in that area.  Will be thinking of you both.

  • A bit of a shock for you, Dibnlib, but he's in good hands and as others have said, once you actually get to see someone the NHS are brilliant. Try not to worry.

    We are home and readjusting, plus emptying lots of various containers of things. Amazing what you need to take - but we did have the excuse that we had to have clothes for all weathers! My sweet peas have survived (we didn't like to ask anyone to do the watering) and the field behind us is a sea of golden oats, nearly ready for harvesting.

    Hope OG is OK as it's nothing too serious.

  • DIBNLIB- Yes, I can understand the shock. You say when he 'finally'sees the cardiologist - what is the waiting list like?

    I forgot to say, BRENDA, glad that you have got someone who will do what you want, in your garden.

    MARGO- enjoy your meal and also Chas and Dave. I remembered that you both love their shows.

    AQ/ROSY - knitted sausages sound much healthier than the other kind...

    I managed to finish the bedroom cleaning. Lots of sweary words when I was cleaning all the channels etc of PVC window frames. We live on a main road and bus route so lots of  black dirt. Then I stepped down from the mini step ladder and somehow or another one foot went into a bucket of soapy water. Then I had to practically tie OH to a chair because he was going to trim a hedge when ready tired from other garden jobs. Oh joy.