Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 August 2016


Everyone have a good week!

  • Crowdfunder to achieve 100k signatures for the Ban Driven Grouse Shooting campaign has reached £4,000

    see here

  • Hi all , thanks for news so far.

    Weather, windy, cloudy, sunny, as yesterday was. Memorial cricket match to one of our members who died earlier in the year.  Very good turnout, even though dau and myself arrived after the match had finished!! Just our luck, still stopped for a drink or two and saw one or two old members.

    Annette - do hope things will sort themselves out for your dau.

    Early morning rise tomorrow to take dau to airport for her long awaited holiday then back home to recover!

    Friend who has cancer is off for a week to Flamborough Head ahead of her next treatment next week. Making the most of the gap between treatments.

    Hope all is well with most of you and that aches, pains, etc will right themselves before too long.

  • Hello everyone -

    LYNETTE - Hope that your daughter enjoys Kos!

    ANNETTE - Your daughter seems to be getting over her C.diff bug but she might find herself to be tired for a while after fighting two nasty infections. You will need to take some time for yourself after all this. A good book and a quiet afternoon or three, methinks.

    ChrisyB - what a pity about the weather on your holiday. I often think that we see better pics of the ospreys when we are sitting here at home but am aware that others here will not agree with me.

    Our get together last night went very well. I had a little bit of worry when family phoned to say that the Dornoch bridge was closed. They had to take the long way home via Bonar Bridge. I was able to adjust timings for the meal so all went well. Our Canadian visitor was so friendly and very good company. She is 29 and has made a big career change by deciding to study physiotherapy in Aberdeen. Previously she had worked in Calgary, in the oil and gas industry. She speaks fluent French and German, has travelled extensively and is a keen reader. Conversation was easy and there was lots of laughter. Time flew by and it was 11.30pm before we realised.

    OH still upset about the damage to his garden. We have just spent time uprighting pots and watering but have not attempted to sweep up the mess of leaves and petals because it is still windy. Some pots were broken:-(

  • Morning all: An at-home day today; daughter seems to be doing much better but will accompany her to regular doc follow up tomorrow. Grandson is critter-tending after work today.

    Lynette: Where is your daughter off to on vacation?  How far is the airport?

    Heather:  A comparatively quiet day here today; busy again tomorrow.  Can you believe it?   I ran out of books to read and finally picked up The Lord of the Rings, which has been on my bookshelf for several years. I'm enjoying it  (I mean, how much farther from reality can you get!).  :-))  That IS a big change for your Canadian visitor, but it sounds like a good one.  What a shame about all those petals and pots.

    Catching up on stuff around here. While I've been otherwise occupied, phones have gone on the blink and refrigerator is looking rather empty....

  • Unknown said:
    I ran out of books to read and finally picked up The Lord of the Rings, which has been on my bookshelf for several years.

    Had you never read it before?  It's my favourite book.  Every time I pick it up I find I'm still riveted.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • CLARE: No, never. Makes me want to see the movies again (maybe when I'm finished with the book).

  • Have had a super day out, on Anglesey.

    Weather patchy but we had sunshine when out of the car, enjoyed everything and spent some money, too. Got back here both weary, but put a meal on the table and left the pots in the sink ---  always a mistake, as a neighbour called and wanted to talk. So missed Tom Daley on his medal efforts, and had to apologise for the state of the place!

    HEATHER - Sounds like a lovely guest and a successful visit. So sorry about your plants :_(

    ANNETTE - Must be a big relief that your daughter is on the mend.

    Sorry, no more replies because I'm whacked now!

  • Home!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Welcome home OG

    Lindybird: I'm hoping she'll be able to get out just a little bit after a few days, but her mental state is better, which is half the battle.  

  • Unknown said:

    CLARE: No, never. Makes me want to see the movies again (maybe when I'm finished with the book).

    When you've read the whole book you'll wonder why they chopped so much story out!!  I drove poor old Limpy mad when we saw the films as I was identifying all the bits they'd changed from the books.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.