Morning all someone sitting

Copyright Rutland


  • The wide-angle cam is back up.  I'm going to leave it for tonight tho, as I've just had a call to say that the Sydney perry has laid an egg :o  Wow!

    EDIT - the cam went back down again.

  • Good evening all. Karen nice to see you back and hope you make it to Rutland one day. :) Poor B33, he's almost as keen on DIY at the end of the season as he is when he first arrives , always the entertainer ( I do love this bird)  Still scraping and tidying! As Scylla says the nest will probably be reduced and secured, or even ravaged by winter storms :(

  • Blue33's final sticks for the day, with one piece de resistance :o  He'd already brought in loads earlier.  What a boy!


  • Thanks, Scylla, for that video of 33!  What a character he is!  We are finally back home this afternoon after 9 days in the Rutland area.  We had a great time, visited Waderscrape hide at Manton Bay several times and stopped in several times to the observation room at Rutland Water's Egleton centre (also known as the Anglian Water Birdwatching Centre on the map posted by Mike).  One high point of our visit on Sunday was watching 33 chase off a Grey Heron.  We also went twice to RSPB Frampton Marsh and spent 2 days at Birdfair.  We were originally planning to make a few cultural stops but birds won out in the end.  But there's next year, and then we will have the bulk of our holiday before Birdfair rather than after.  With luck that will avoid the daily anxiety of worrying whether the Ospreys have left or not, and all the Ospreys will most likely still be present!  I spent most evenings catching up on Forum postings.  And the extra bonus this holiday was seeing several Forumites--Hazy and Mike and Clare and Limpy!

    Alan, It seems reasonable that the Osprey we saw mid-afternoon on Wednesday and which was carrying a fish probably was 33, since it presumably can take an hour, more or less, for a male Osprey to eat their share of a fish.  What do you think?

    Edit:  Correction made on Sunday 28 August--sorry, it was Thursday the 25th of August that we saw the osprey (which was probably 33) fishing from the Egleton centre (getting my dates mixed up!)

    Kind regards, Ann

  • I'm sure it can take an male osprey an hour to eat his share - depending what mood he's in ;-)

    I wonder what time they come on duty at MB - the cams are still down :(  Not that I think they should be on duty NOW!  Just wondering how long we'll have to wait, and how I can keep tabs without downloading hundreds of "Error - 0 KB" files.

  • Duplication (as pointed out by MIKE).  This cannot be achieved willfully, it has to be created by The System.

  • Scylla. It's Sunday morning so clearly this site is on it's usual go slow. I guess that's why your post is duplicated!

    I would not expect anyone to be at Lyndon until around 9am MC so probably as well to forget it for a while.

  • Mike B said:
    probably as well to forget it for a while

    If you think about it, Mike, you will probably realise that staying conscious "for a while" is not my forte at this time of the day :'(

    I would so like to be ready for dear Blue33 and Maya, if and when they appear... what can I do?  (Rhetorical question.)

  • Answer...Not a lot I'm afraid until the centre staff get in!

  • Message from Chris Wood - They had a bad storm last night that took the cameras down.

    Both adult birds are present this morning. Maya bathing in front of the hide.