Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 July 2016


  • Thank you ANNETTE and DIBNLIB. I just feel overwhelmed sometimes. You are right. I am getting older and they are indeed grownups!

  • Heather,  I agree with Annette and Dibnlib.

    You are obviously seen as the Wise Woman of the family, but you are not responsible for other (younger) adults problems.

    Perhaps they feel better just by talking to you,and don't expect much other than sympathy.

    I like Annette's last couple of sentences. Sound advice!

  • I agree with all of the above comments, Heather: it's possible that you are viewed as a good sounding board by everyone, which is a compliment, really. And anyone who is a good listener is always valued. But you can't solve others problems. They have to do that themselves.

  • Heather – I have friends who phone me to moan about their troubles. I just listen, make occasional murmurs that I’m listening and forget it when we hang up. It’s their life. I don’t have enough time/energy to worry about other adult’s worries.


    I was going to moan about my knee but Margo’s problems put me in perspective. I hope Margo you are feeling much brighter now you are home again. PS You should have smuggled Billie into hospital <grin>


    Washing just hung, expecting 18 C max before rain pm. We’ve had some serious storms, luckily none affecting us.

  • 'Liked' all your comments, people, and thank you. Just had stepson, his wife and son here for a few hours, a frank discussion about the family problem ( person) and an agreement reached about how to manage it. I no longer feel so 'alone' in dealing with things. Thank goodness.

  • Heather: Hope you got a good night's sleep.

    Here are some photos of Ms. D busy slaving over a hot stove during last week's visit!  :-)   (She's standing on a stool.)

  • Good Morning. A dry morning, with sunny intervals and then grey clouds.

    Sorry to read that OG is not 100%. Heather has a bad back and Linda's OH has needed his chiropractor to help with his back problems. I was scoring a club competition bowls match last night and the wind became so cold that I felt freezing.  My shoulder, which I thought was healing, became so painful, just because I was so cold. Think I may have to have an x-ray, as it is restricting what I can manage to do.

    Dibnlib, Sorry to hear about your Aunt. You obviously couldn't take the chance of traveling by bus/ train for the funeral.

    Spoke to Margo yesterday, she was so much more cheerful, although still very sore.

    Heather, Pleased that you are now feeling more relaxed about the family problem. Hope you had a good night's sleep.

    AQ, I have been reading that Australia has been moving by 7cm each year, because of plate movements and that they are having to change maps.
    You are obviously still suffering from knee pain. Take care.

    Annette, Love your photographs of Ms D. What has happened to her very fair hair ? She looks so confident as she 'cooks'.

    Linda, Enjoy your time with your family. 

  • BRENDA- do you think that you have a 'frozen shoulder'? I know that is very painful and restricts movement.

    ANNETTE- lovely pics of Miss D!

    OH and I have had a lazy day. It has rained again. He did a bit of garden work but gave up. Youngest family were in town and came to see us and pick up trousers that I'd got a couple of days ago. Still no news regarding son in law's job.

    We both feel so much happier after our family conference last evening.

  • Very weary after seeing our family off at lunchtime, as they are at a wedding now, a few miles away. It's been a busy time. Now we have our Youngest & family coming for lunch tomorrow, on their way home from Wales!

    My OH has been gone for several hours, as Sis-in-law has bought a second hand sofa & chairs, but they are miles away from here and he didn't want her to have to hire a van..... I just hope that he's not annoyed his sore back by lifting anything too heavy....

    Lovely pics of the delightful MissD, Annette. Heather - so pleased that the problem, or at least how to deal with it, seems resolved.

    Love to dear Margo.

  • I hope, too, that your OH doesn't aggravate his sore back, LINDY. You will be tired, hope your OH is not too late getting home. After lunch tomorrow you will probably just flop.

    DIBNLIB- did your friend enjoy the fish pie and summer pudding?

    I wonder when DIANE will be home from her pet sitting.