Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 July 2016

Happy New Week and Happy Full Moon on Tuesday!

  • AQ - Sorry you've had a bad night. Always a dilemma when you don't want to wake yourself up enough to take something.

    Heather - Not sure if it's illegal, but not a good idea to back out into a main road. Your OH might feel a lot safer in something smaller and easier to manoeuvre. Good that you don't live somewhere too cut off, for the dreaded day when he can no longer drive. We do, too - we can walk into the town from our home although you would have to be mobile enough. There are a lot of retirement flats in our town which we could move to if we felt unable to cope, or if we were, unhappily, about to find ourselves alone.

    Still no posts from Brenda - do hope you're OK and your back is easing.

    Annette -  That was rather thoughtless of them, leaving you to cope without help or guidance. It might put you off the idea! Glad you were able to help with a few dramas.

  • You make me glad we live on the coast, Lindy.  I was at work yesterday and the heat in our office was unbelievable.  It's much better here with the back door wide open onto a patio which is almost permanently in the shade.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I have some windows open as there is a little breeze but closed curtains to keep rooms cool. Our house faces east/west so some part of it will always be in the sun.  My brother is suffering as they took off the window shutters when they moved to the French house.  Shutters were old and rotting. Now he realises why French houses have them!! They are doing what they can, closing curtains to keep rooms cool. I quote what he said to me last night 'We had to retreat into the cool dark house for the whole afternoon'. I have noticed on our travels that a lot of houses in Europe have electrically controlled shutters. When we stayed with friends in California they had wooden shutters on the inside, plus air conditioning, of course. Well, we don't require either here:-((

  • Hello, Everyone.

    I am wilting here in the heat. 32 outside now. OH sitting reading the paper with the fan blowing. He does like gadgets. We also have a cool air blower, but haven't filled it with water yet, as heat wave only expected to last another day. He always 'forgets' to empty it when cooler weather arrives, so it hangs around until I do it!

    Bedrooms face south, so windows and blinds shut.

    AQ,   Yes, I think cake does have a similar effect to Panadol. You just need more of it.

    I have made those knitted toys as well, but have given up now, as so fiddly to put together.  I once made a set of jelly babies. They were lovely, but difficult to get the faces 'right'   Either look scary or eyes didn't match. Perhaps its just me!

    Well done, Annette.   A bit much to be left on your own the first day, but you obviously coped well. I wonder how many hours you will actually end up doing.

    You may prove too useful, but it does sound interesting and worthwhile.

    Glad you got your technology sorted Dianne. Thanks for the links. Always interesting.

    Hope you are having a good break, Lindybird. It sounds like a lovely place. I remember the drive into  north Wales when we lived in Chester. I always loved it.

    Clare,  Envy you living on the coast right now.

  • Hi ROSY- I had to stop my OH from cutting grass. We are just not used to this kind of heat, however nice it might seem to Sun worshippers! He also declined the golf firing range. Grass can be cut later today.

  • We did enjoy lunch outside, though. In the shade and such a treat for us. Only the third time this year.

  • AQ: No hanging from the chandeliers today then.  I found chocolate works better than cake when it comes to aches and pains.

    Heather: Maybe your OH is more worried about reversing into oncoming traffic than whacking something in the driveway? Hint: Don't stand behind him when he's parking.

    Rosy: Re wildlife gig, we'll see. I'd don't want to do more than 3 hours at a stretch; trouble is, there's only the animal carers to take over rescue calls/enquiries when nobody is in the office and they have their hands very full already. Re "too useful:" been there, done that, don't want to do it again (and back then I was being paid for it). :-)  Re your cooler, you might want to rinse out the container with bleach solution before you use it again?  

    Yuk. That is HOT for you guys. Enjoy though - and do stay hydrated.

  • Yup. It's hot, alright - the kitchen thermometer went up to 33 degrees in the afternoon. I went to lay on the bed wearing not much (!) as the bedroom is at the rear and is the coolest room. My OH stayed on the decking with two umbrellas up, but eventually had to give up as the wind got breezier and threatened to blow everything away.

    He's just taken Bonnie down to the beach as the wind is cooler down there and she can cool off by having a paddle.

  • Went to look at that potential cottage - wonderful view over the water, but otherwise nothing to impress, and agent was even less impressive, had only minimal information (as on website) and couldn't answer questions - didn't even know its council tax band!  Couldn't imagine J living there.  Phoned to tell him, and he said he has recalculated his budget, and thinks he would be overcommitting to take it, so this time it is "thanks but no thanks" when she phones us tomorrow.

    Having to take anti-inflams and painkillers just to be able to walk today!  Not quite so bad this evening.  Hairdresser was rather shocked to see me walk in on two sticks.  Good day for a haircut - much cooler around my neck!

    Painting started early this morning, and ceiling was much faster than expected - and doesn't need a second coat.  Contrast wall had a first coat this evening - OH has just finished.  In between he was busy driving me about, and then had to cook dinner, which was excellent!  Hopefully I shall do more tomorrow.

    Take care, everyone, in the expected weather, especially if driving.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello all, thanks Diane for starting us off.

    Really been hot today, too hot for me so try to stay in the shade.l

    Diane - there was a super picture in the Daily Telegraph this morning of the launch of the rocket and showing in a long time exposure the booster rocket coming back down to earth - quite spectacular.

    Clare, love that picture of the Rutland Belle and rainbow.