WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 10, 2016

Happy New Week all.

  • I too have signed and forwarded the petition on. Thanks Alan for drawing this to our attention.

  • Its so cold here I have a camisole vest on underneath a fleece sweater, and a pair of tights below!  Normally I don't wear tights at all after May until September.

    To cheer everyone up, here is a pic of a very wet dog:  ours does not mind the rain nor how wet the ground is!

      -- her tail is usually white!! As is her shirt front!

    Also, here are some foxgloves which have set themselves in a pot in our garden, they are so pretty:

    A busy bee came to investigate whilst I was snapping the picture:

    All the way in!!

  • Morning all: How much madder can the world get?  I'm afraid to consider....  Can anyone explain why France and Belgium are targeted more than, say, Germany, Italy or Spain in these attacks?  Is it just that there are more would-be terrorists in those countries? I remember all the trouble between France and Algeria back in the 50s...

    Lmac: Thanks for the lovely photo of the Kelpie. I would really love to see the "real" ones.

    AQ: A trillion pieces of knitted clowns? For the twins?  That chicken pie will taste wonderful I'm sure after all the packet meals. When we were remodeling our kitchen, which took eons, we ate a lot of those and they get really boring and dreary very quickly.

    Heather: I don't think nurses ever retire.  Is there a reason youngest daughter's appendix hasn't been removed?  "Do you have any plans for the weekend?" seems to be an international greeting on Fridays!  Re the Hotline, another call was from someone who'd found two almost featherless baby birds with a wrecked nest nearby. The room next to the office is devoted to baby birds - they have dozens of them right now - that have to be fed via syringes by a team in almost constant rotation. They even have incubators, so we were able to tell the caller to bring the two chicks in. :-)  

    dibnlib: Our yoga class was jammed on Monday - the teacher has two classes back-to-back and the first one is always packed so I go to the second one. But this week, there were a lot of "What on earth....!" looks passing between the regulars at the late class.  

    Alan: Signed that petition.  Thanks for the link. Horrible photo.

    Lindybird: Fab close up of the bee! How on earth did you persuade Bonnie to sit still! I didn't think she knew what that was.

    We have our own injured bird in the garden this morning.  A window strike - but oh wait - he's gone. :-)

  • LINDY   Benson didn't get very far on his afternoon walk. We tried lots of encouragement, but his reluctance won out in the end. I hasten to add that the rain had stopped, but it was only 30 mins before his evening meal so that may have been the reason. We don't usually take him out near to mealtime.

    ANNETTE  hotline sounds a wonderful, caring place.

  • ANNETTE - when daughter was in hospital recently, they said that they don't remove appendices routinely just because of pain. She would have to be acutely ill with blood levels very high. Hers were not. I think it is what in the old days would be called a 'grumbling appendix'.

  • HEATHER: Oh right, yes, grumbling appendix. So they don't remove them "just because of pain." Wonder whose pain scale they're using....

  • Friday afternoon – it’s dark, cold and wet, and I really must skim through posts from several days – won’t try to answer all!

    Brenda – sorry to read about your back; I hope you are feeling much less pain by now, and will soon be fit to shop for that MoB outfit!

    Lynette – sorry the Garden Party had to be held indoors.

    Annette – another garden success – ate the first two tomatoes on Thursday – not exactly a glut yet, but a sign of things to come.  Don’t know when second Grandson will marry, but it is the intention – “eventually”.  Maybe your writing and editing skills are just what is needed for re-writing the manuals at the rescue centre!  We had a window strike this lunchtime – House Sparrow concussed itself, and took about an hour to recover – a very loud “bang” so I think it must still have quite a headache!

    Linda – I hope Bonnie and Friend’s dog are having fun today, and no mishaps, but not the right weather for an extra set of muddy paws!  We should be seeing them when we visit Dau in a few weeks’ time, if all goes according to plan.  Lovely wet dog pic today – so real that I could smell that wet-dog smell!

    Dibnlib – how thoughtful to help the sick bee; pleased it got moving.  Really does sound as if Benson’s reluctance today was caused by food, rather than weather!

    Heather – I hope Callum and Amy’s trip to Germany really will happen in the October holiday – but still not good to have let them down now.

    Diane – more chaos going on here too.  One local activist says that if the First Minister of Scotland does have her way with a Scottish Independence Referendum, our Region should then have a Local Indyref to stay in the UK because that is how we voted by a larger majority than the rest of Scotland the last time!  I also studied politics, but none of the people/peoples on earth seem to do it according to political theory – and, of course, that was absolute aeons ago, so I expect the theory has changed by now!

    AQ – how good that you can plan your meals, having shopped, and even plan local trips with travelling friend!

    Lmac – thanks for mini-Kelpie photo – reminds me I really must post my pics of the final 35metre high version – I gave up when I couldn’t get this site to “take” portrait originals without re-orientating them – any ideas??

    Heather – sounds as if your youngest’s trouble could be psychosomatic, with it recurring when her OH went away again.  I was diagnosed with a grumbling appendix forty-something years ago, and that was at a time when we were moving house: OH was away in his new job, and I was still at the old house with two young children.  Sorry about OH’s Daughter – hope they will find the root cause of that.  Don’t get overstressed about Amy sleeping over – she’ll be fine.

    Someone asked if I struggle after gardening etc because of RA.  I don’t actually have RA, but have psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis (as well as osteoarthritis which led to the knee replacement).  PA is another inflammatory arthritis and similarly connected to the immune system.  The pain of the flare-up in the bigger joints has gradually got less during this week – the fingers and particularly toes never get quite right.

    I was eventually convinced that today has been Friday – difficult know with J not at work!  We spent almost the whole morning booking tickets for various gigs coming up this autumn – theatre brochure came in the post, so decided we must book straight away to endure accessible seats.  A very eclectic mix – blues, gypsy jazz, Scottish traditional music, comedy and Midge Ure (not sure how to classify him!).  Farmers’ Market tomorrow, haven’t been since about March, and church on Sunday – then on with the decorating when J sets off on Monday.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Well done everyone. We have managed to get it trending at number 1 on Government petition site

  • OG- I think that a lot of her symptoms are stress related. No coincidence that yesterday her OH had a long conversation with his boss regarding future job prospects. Oh dear. Anyway, I haven't been summoned and it looks as if I will have Amy tomorrow night! I will supervise the 11pm glucose check, hope it is OK and then if OK no other check until 6.30 am. She is old enough to do it herself and will do it if I can rouse her sufficiently!! I wish that I could sleep like a teenager.

  • Took Tapaidh out to the garden and look who was there first.