WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, JULY 3, 2016

Welcome to a new week.  Hope ALL the familiar faces will show up this week!  :-)

Go back to page 8 of the previous thread to see Mike's link to the question: How do you free a Golden Eagle caught up in a very high tree without the use of a ladder?   Page 9 shows Bowie posing for his closeup.  OG and EE are busy shooting at cats and cheering on Housemartins in the midst of home repairs (the birds that is). 

Brenda: Well, there always seems to be one lavender bush that I missed!  I have to tidy them up and take off all the dead blooms once during the summer, then in the winter, I whack 'em all back by a third. Trouble is, they're all getting old and woody.  

OH and I bought tickets to a concert tonight - Jean-Yves Thibaudet is playing Rhapsody in Blue and since the Music Academy is hosting the show, the tickets were super cheap. But now we're looking at each other and thinking we'd rather stay home in our comfy togs and relax. But no. Must hose off and rise to the occasion.

Was amazed that Djokovich got knocked out at Wimbledon so early. Shocker!

Have a good Sunday everyone.

  • ANNETTE- I have been thinking along those lines, too. I would not want him to have regular meds, though, as he is fine most of the time and he wouldn't take them, anyway! He said, unprompted by me, this evening, that he thought his extreme reactions to pain and other unusual ( to him) symptoms were 'psychological'. Progress???

  • It's been horrible weather here today - supposed to be "mostly dry" but turned out to be more like April!  Sunshine briefly, then a heavy shower, then sun, then drizzle, then clearing up, then rain......

    Went shopping this morning, with both sunglasses and umbrella in my bag. Then went to visit Friend this afternoon and enjoyed a good gossip. 

    Heather - It's good that you're both talking about it: better than each worrying without communicating. How are the kitchen plans going? Have I missed a decision?  Or am I being dense and did you say you were waiting for The Man to be free to come and fit it later in the year?

    My OH came back from golf and banged around, fitting the new handrail for the stairs. It's more substantial than the old one so I feel a lot safer coming down.

  • Pat O -  I think Andy Murray has to get himself psyched up to play aggressively, as he's normally quiet. This shows in interviews, which he's getting better at, now- once upon a time he positively squirmed and hated answering questions. Now he seems to realise that it's part of the job.

    An exciting Wimbledon once again this year - it's always hard to predict the outcomes!

  • Hi!  Full day , doing ...um ...not much!  Lunch out meant lots of interesting conversations with older folk - so nice being one of the (relatively) younger ones again!  They like an audience and I like to hear some interesting (and sometimes colourful) local "history"!  OH rather enjoyed helping prepare room and food, and being wanted when jar lids wouldn't open and other stuff which "needed a man" - and I think the ladies in the kitchen made quite a fuss of him!

    Clearing up took quite a while, so after visiting the butcher on the way home, there wasn't time for much else - a pity really as it would have been a great day in the garden - warm and sunny.  I think tonight and tomorrow we might be in the way of some rain-bearing clouds.

    And, so to bed - quite tired tonight as I had difficulty sleeping last night.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Pat O: Go Roger!

    Heather: Heard a medical researcher on  NPR the other day (actually a Brit) talking about recent findings regarding the brain/body pain connection. Two basic finding (others are much more sophisticated):  Find something absorbing to do/think about and it will distract you (my Mum's advice) and - surprise! - placebos often work fine.  Deep slow breathing works wonders for anxiety/stress attacks, which also exacerbate painful sensations.  But we knew that.

    Lindybird: Sunglasses and brolly - only in the UK.  I've seen Andy chatting with people in his home town (maybe after his first Wimbledon win?) and he seemed much more approachable.  I note he also has rehired Ivan Lendl, whose own rather glum demeanor was commented on by TV folks during his match with Tsongas. He left the court the second the match was over. Wondered what that was all about.

    OG: Ha-ha "one of the younger ones."  But you're right about their stories. I was chatting to a neighbor the other day. I knew she was originally from Germany, but didn't know until then that she'd grown up in Eastern Germany when it was part of the USSR. She's been here for decades, so I wonder under what circumstances she left. She hinted at tales to tell, but we didn't have time to talk that day.  Hope you had a good night's sleep.

    Am watching a great program here called First Peoples, which looks at human evolution/migration over the eons. Fascinating!

  • Good morning, all.  Keeping everything crossed for Andy Murray as I'd love to see him win a second Wimbledon.  Funnily enough I used to enjoy watching Ivan Lendl play - he would look utterly miserable as he played but the minute he won this smile would come from out of nowhere and light the whole court up.  I think there's too much pressure on players to be crowd (and therefore media) friendly.  Not everyone has the gift of instant likability.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning, All.  A grey sky here. Sounds mixed here for the next few days.

    I hope OG got a good night's sleep, after her previous night. 

  • Hello all. Agree, OG about listening to the stories told by the elderly. I used to love hearing about Sheana's life here as a young girl and later on in New Zealand, during WW 2.

    I have got an inexplicable craving for tomato and basil soup! My mouth is watering,just thinking about it. So, after shopping expedition this morning, will start making it. Needless to say, my dear OH doesn't like it. He is a Heinz man when it comes to tomato soup.

    Tennis watchers- enjoy!

  • HEATHER   Definitely windy....apparently the golf balls were moving on the greens at the open!!!

  • ANNETTE  Oops I missed you....Andy can appear a bit dour at times, but he does have a good sense of humour (away from the court).

    There is a new Peter Robinson book due out on the 14th. "When the music is over"   Try Peter James and the Roy Grace series and also A J Arlidge.