WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey topics) SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 2016

A new week - no posh link to last week's thread I'm afraid, but then again, it may not be worth the aggravation!  :-)

  • Polandidyae  Haleanicgone,

    Not  dig at Poland,, We let Poland down pretty badly I believe,

    Despite UN, Benelux, France Italy and Germany Agreement (common market >>>>>>eec (small case, ECE, Different matter ,(does anyone know the difference without  looking into Wiki?)

    I think not.

  • I don't believe anyone here has personally attacked anyone else; when it comes to voting, on any issue, maybe it is best to keep it private as it is supposed to be, then we don't risk feeling "got at" when others don't agree with us.  But I think almost everyone has spoken on points of principal, and constitutional issues.  Now we must move on as best we can with whatever happens when parliament decides whether or not to continue the process towards separation from Europe.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • But - please, please, please can we on here at least stop using that horrid word "Brexit" and all the others referring to nations which may or may not consider making changes to their European status!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello everyone. I am sitting here in the 'office' with a gun beside me. Seriously. OH read that there was to be an amnesty. He could either hand in his air rifle or get a licence. The rifle in question was, as far as I can tell, made in 1908.It was handed down to him by his father. Talk about le creuset saucepans - I can hardly lift this rifle up.   I have spent an interesting hour or so researching the rifle. Result - he will not hand it in. We will give it to his son who will buy a licence (yay!) and keep it as an antique and maybe benefit financially in years to come.

  • Heather: That's really interesting. My husband inherited a collection of rifles from his father/grandfather, etc.  When we were clearing things out a few years back, I bundled them up in a blanket, waltzed into a gun dealership (the most reputable one around) with them and proceeded to dump them on the counter. Much consternation ensued, but then things settled down and when they examined them, they found one of them was a Winchester rifle that looked "interesting."  But when they researched it, it was a model and/or a year or two away from being a really valuable collectible model. Oh well.    Most of the others, including with with a bent stock, weren't worth much, so I took them (and the Winchester) to the local sheriff's department where you can turn these things in. One cop came out to my car to examine them, set eyes on the Winchester, and got all excited and was speculating (not sure if he was joking!) that if it was as valuable as he hoped (of course it wasn't), he might just be willing to do a deal in the car park with me!!!  We kept it that time, but ultimately sold it to a dealer some months later.  My bro-in-law has an old Hudson Bay Trading Rifle, which has always held pride of place over their fireplace. Interesting about the amnesty; is that nationwide or just Scotland?

  • ANNETTE - Sorry, not sure if it is UK wide. We read it in our local paper, The Inverness Courier and our other regular paper, the Press and Journal (Aberdeen paper). OH remembered that he had the rifle hiding away in an attic so decided to get it out and think about what to do! I'm sure it is not extremely valuable, but as with other old things here, we give them to OH's son so that he can decide what to do. Easy way out....

    An identical one sold in 2009 for £130 so we are not talking big money here! Poor stepson has got quite a lot of old stuff from us. I found a box of old coins here years ago, he has that also. May be, maybe not, is what we say.
  • Linda has asked me post the following message.

    "Please thank those expressing concern for me. I'm taking a break from RSPB, except for watching EJ "

  • Thanks George for your wise words. Enjoy your visit to LG.

  • It would seem that quite a few of us are talking via email and phone etc. I am not prepared to carry on with messages relayed via another person. I am leaving this site permanently but will always welcome messages from those who have my email address and/or phone number. Thank you all for lots of years of chat and pleasure xxx

  • I have had one text from Linda, which I have posted above,  Heather. I haven't spoken or emailed anybody else.

    Sorry you feel that way about my post !!!