Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 19 June 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.


This will be the first Full Moon to fall on the June Solstice since 1967 -- the Summer of Love! -- according to EarthSky. Other sources say it hasn't happened since 1948.

The Slooh Observatory will host an online live streaming special dedicated to the Solstice and Full Moon combination event.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Maybe trying to swap it for a treat Lindy. Leaving her with it is saying you've done well and rewarding her unwanted behaviour.

  • Lmac - there is nothing on this earth which would persuade her to let go once she has something in her mouth. Two of us once tried together to force her jaws open to release a baby bird and eventually it came out  -  in three pieces.

    She adores pieces of pork sausage, cut up into bits, and will sometimes return to us for one of these. (The only human food she ever has). But if she is after or has prey, she is not interested. I notice that someone upthread said that they are hard wired to chase things, and my OH has said this all along. He is very much a country person and has had dogs all his life. 

    We seem to have acquired a particularly strong willed individual.

  • dibnlib said:

    KEITH    good to hear from you.

    OH heard from an old friend who he hadn't seen for many a year that his dog (cavalier) had died overnight. Friend is of course distraught. He posted this poem.....be prepared for tears

    Memory began moments ago,      When a voice said to Snuffy it's time to go,      No!....please!    No,    Tick....Tock....Tick....Tock

    Oh why could I not stop the clock,......Death stole my friend just moments ago......Goodbye Snuff it's time to go

    Very moving.  How hard it is to say goodbye to our much loved companions after many years together.

  • Lindy, she will one day calm down or ignore the rabbits.   Mind you when we take our neighbours dog out up north (he's 5), he loves rabbits and loves to flush out ground birds.  He will often come back with a rabbit in his mouth.  This on the whole doesn't bother me, it is more the millions on fleas on them that concern me.  I think as long as Bonnie is not putting herself in danger it is in her instincts.  You could always put said rabbit in a stew pot :)    

  • Unknown said:

    Lmac:  Did you take Tapaidh to training?

    Annette, yes we did.  We first tried puppy training classes in a group of 10 or so which was hopeless.   We then nearly lost her as she chased after a dog in town one day and cut across the park towards the road.  A springer owner saw this and suggested a very good gundog training school.  We went there for one on one obedience training and what a difference.  Turned out no such thing as badly behaved dog, just the bad owners with inconsistent training and messages.  The first thing was she was put on a slip rope lead and wasn't allowed to chase her ball as apparently this encourages chasing fast moving objects to catch them - including cyclists!!!.  Now she doesn't chase anything unless it is her ball with our instruction to fetch.  But it took a while and she will still have the odd day when she thinks she can do what she wants when she wants - she is then put back in the car and taken home and soon learns her lesson.

  • Morning all: No sign of smell of fire this morning, though I'm sure it's still smoldering away. Helicopters have been filling up with flame retardant, etc.  at the ranch a mile or so from us - the people who fight these fires are brilliant. We rarely see them, but video last night shows what incredibly hot and filthy work it is. Thank heaven for firemen!

    Keith: Good to hear from you!  Sounds like you've done nothing but take care of logistics on many different fronts. Good to read your stepdaughters are still being such a help and that you're getting sound financial advice given the amounts involved. If the bikers ride Harleys, it'll be very noisy, but likely provide great stories for the future!  Do take care and we'll look forward to hearing from you when things are more settled.

    Lindybird:  Not sure if this is a popular stance, but if Bonnie is hard-wired to chase animals, maybe just let her follow her instincts and blame it on Mother Nature - as long as she doesn't actually bring them in the house.

    Lmac: Re Tapaidh, sounds like a good move although doesn't sound like Lindybird's OH would go for it.

    Supposed to be hot and hotter today - but at least it's a dry heat (unlike sweaty last summer) and cools down pretty well at night.  Fathers Day here; father and son next door are out practicing baseball in their garden and I can hear country-and-western music in the air; not my first choice.  :-)   For some obscure reason (probably because we had no clean clothes), I did masses of laundry yesterday and now have Giant Pile of Ironing in the kitchen. Must check out movies on TV, put on the a/c for the first time this year, and get to it at some point...

  • Annette: Our holiday is up near Grantown-on-Spey late August/early September. One event that takes place on the late Bank holiday is 'Thunder in the Glen'. It starts in Grantown and over several days progresses(possibly with many beers consumed!) through the Great Glen. Last year when we saw it for the first time there were around 1000  Harleys from all over the world, two wheels and three! I don't think it could be any noisier than that! I suspect that the bikers average age was around mine, certainly not younger! Apparently there are 1200 booked for this year. Will have camera ready this time. The sight of them parked up herring-bone fashion down the high street was some spectacle.

  • Keith this is the big 20 year anniversary of thunder in the Glen. Believe it or not there were over 2000 last year. I love the event and never miss it and is billed to be spectacular this year, however this year I shall be in Nashville

  • Lmac: Nashville??? As in Tennessee?

    Keith: Take your earplugs along with your camera. There's a big Harley event in Sturgis, South Dakota. I've never been, but a former colleague (a prim and proper librarian in those days) used to go with her husband, which always amazed me.

  • Arrived early in the area - so spending a while reading all the above as our host is not expecting us yet and will have been out until the time I suggested.  Uneventful journey - rain was about to start as we left home and tried to follow us all the way, but apart from a few scattered raindrops we only drove through one real shower - in Yorkshire.  We travelled via Llamas, Sheep Shearing Demonstration and Camels - and of course coffee and cake!  Already bought a carved Owl for me and Frogs for OH!  Did a bit of walking (not with scooter) so should sleep tonight.  

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!