Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 5 June 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

No time for a post or replies from me, folks. Really, really busy. I'm sending good wishes to all. Heather: I hope your daughter is improving.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Unknown said:
    Perhaps you could give us a link here, or some direction to it.

    Unknown said:
    YAS - not sure whether it was my failure to find my way around, but I looked for the thread your material might be on and couldn't find it!

    The post was called   A Visit  to Ruskin  Mill                       But l think it's about 3 pages down the way now so may have a job to find it OG  Thanks for asking Yas

  • WENDY    His Mum says he plays what he is comfy in, so can understand his "unmade bed look". It is just a shame he isn't comfy in something a little smarter. He looks fine in his "civvies!!!!"

  • LINDY   great garden pics, thank you.

    WENDY   Do hope you enjoy the Puffs

  • MARGO   pleased you were able to enjoy the wedding.

  • Well, we didn't go to LaE after all as neither of us was convinced we would happily make it all way round. OH is back to work Wed and Fri and then has 6 days off so no doubt we will be feeling fit enough for a decent walk then. Instead we walked Benson in the woods, then the 3 of us went to Brodie where we had coffee, then walked in the woods  before having a delicious salad lunch and a browse. I wanted to get some Inverness sauce and was really disappointed to find that Moniak no longer make it.  Then home and OH and I went to Simpsons and bought bedding plants and a couple of shrubs. Oh says he will do some planting while I am out in the morning. Think tomorrow is going to be another nice day. The nice thing about living here is that it rarely gets too hot, For me a lovely day is when the sun shines and anything above 22 degrees is way too hot.

  • Good evening; we are wondering whether we shall be unlucky/lucky (?) enough to get any of the possible heavy rain which may/may not (?) appear in thunderstorms tonight/tomorrow (?).  Meanwhile OH has started watering the shaded parts of the garden – remainder will follow; daren’t “wait and see” as, if nothing comes of the possible forecast, things will be drying out.

    We were slow getting ready this morning, so had lunch before shopping – very nice soup ‘n sandwich and of course ice cream.  Shopping was routine, and we got everything on the list.  J said the school children were extra difficult in the heat (for anyone who doesn’t know, he is an additional support needs assistant – Scottish education system different from England).

    Margo – what a lovely cheery post!  So good for you to see all those people – family and friends – and to get to the wedding.  I am sure they were thrilled to have you there, and perfectly understood that you had to leave when you got tired.  Pleased you regained your strength by taking a rest day on Sunday.  Sorry about the fridge – freezer and loss of food; pleased you could replace it quickly.  So much better for you both that, after this week, OH will be at home, and you can use your good days to go out and about – and I am sure he will keep busy when you need to rest, but won’t have any pressure to work to a timetable now.

    Heather – pleased there were no ill-effects from your busy day yesterday, and I hope you haven’t pushed yourselves too hard today – after the bowls, of course!  Pleased for your Daughter that SiL has a date by which he will know about his job; I asked Grandson whether his is okay, and he says they have shed so many now that they would have to cancel projects if they were to cut staff any further!  I hope you were happy with the contents of your squishy parcel!

    Yas – I suddenly hit on the idea of finding your post about Ruskin Mill by clicking your name and going to your page to see where you had posted in the “Wildlife” section – lovely photos and videos, and an interesting place – must be very calming for the young people who are helped by the projects there.  I hope your day improved after the unhappy start!

    Dibnlib – You two must still be below par if you didn’t feel like the outing to Loch an Eilean – but it sounds as if you made the most of the day with treats at Brodie!  Moniack has let us down in recent years with the changes to their products: we used to go to Moniack Castle to stock-up there, but we don’t bother now.

    Time for some coffee – trying to keep hydrated!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Thanks OG Yes the day has improved, me and roger went for a drive in the car and now we are going to read a new book. l'd rather just move on now every one, and please forgive me for opening my BIG MOUTH won't happen again, and will not be mentioning anything on the subject matter, or expecting anything was wrong of me to say anything, so please lets just forget about it. has if it never happen or was said. your friendship means more to me than this. take care one and all from Yas xxxxxxxxx

  • Well, I just looked on my PC and see that Windows 10 has installed itself! I am not at all computer savvy and if it wasn't for this Kindle would be completely lost. I suppose I'll have to wait until tomorrow morning when fresh and alert and see what I can make of it. I seem to have lost my home page, my favourites etc.

    We have both been busy outside, pressure hosing as planned, this afternoon. Tomorrow OH has his annual Probus Club outing. He tells me that he will take a walking stick. That is something new. We do have some here, his father's,plus one that I got him in Madeira about six years ago when he had a back injury.

  • Sorry I haven't been posting, folks. I think I must have picked up a bug. I had stomach pains and felt nauseous, also just wanted to sleep most of the time. Starting to eat again now, but not bursting with energy yet.

    We have enjoyed the sunshine, both yesterday and today, but it really was too hot in the garden. I did manage to wash our bedding and OH vacuumed the house, before it really got too hot. He played in a County bowls match this evening and has only just returned home.

    I have read all your posts and hope to catch up with replies tomorrow.  Take care ALL.

  • Evening all: Another busy day with paperwork and phone calls to various places, etc.  Then to yoga class.

    Lindybird: Still reading books, but have a bunch of CD's to go through and load various tracks onto my computer before we donate them to the library.

    Yas: That's a pretty shot of the Angel Wings bird!  In spite of OG's clues, I couldn't find that video.  I also post only this thread. I used to "work" the night shift on the LG and LoTL threads (along with Diane), but that got to be more than a little time-consuming and then other folks joined in and I was  relieved to let them take over. Glad you're feeling more "up" than down - we all have down days and understand what that feels like, as in "Nobody loves me; everybody hates me. I think I'll go and eat worms."  :-))  Was that a green watermelon with red interior? Those are the ones you have to tap wit your knuckles to see if they sound hollow (ripe).

    Margo: Brilliant post from you. Puddletown?!  Can there really be such a place? Sounds like something from the Harry Potter books. Apart from the fridge giving out, sounds like a super week what with the wedding and visits from friends - and so nice to hear about it. Thanks for keeping us up to date on all the doings plus what Billie is up to (not much by the sound of it). :-)

    Heather: Must be hard to all be on tenterhooks about SiL's job.  (I used to think it was spelled tenderhooks, but no...)  Windows 10 is very pushy. You shouldn't have lost much, but I opted for the previous desktop and not all those square blocks with links to places/programs I don't care about (you can delete/rearrange them if you want to use the new desktop).

    dibnlib: Must agree that Andy looked - well not quite ready for Wimbledon. More like he was going hiking. But nobody asked me. :-)  I think 27C is about my limit when it comes to heat.

    OG: I saw the forecast for heavy rains. Hope they miss you.

    BrendaH: Take care and feel better.

    Off to do something constructive......hmmmm

    Evening all: Another busy day with paperwork and phone calls to various places, etc.  Then to yoga class. 
    Lindybird: Still reading books, but have a bunch of CD's to go through and load various tracks onto my computer before we donate them to the library.
    Yas: That's a pretty shot of the Angel Wings!  In spite of OG's clues, I couldn't find that video.  I also post only this thread. I used to "work" the night shift on the LG and LoTL threads (along with Diane), but that got to be a bit time-consuming and then other folks joined in and I was somewhat relieved to let them take it over.  Hope  you're feeling more "up" than down now - we all have down days and understand what that feels like, as in "Nobody loves me; everybody hates me. I think I'll go and eat worms."  :-)) Was that a green watermelon with red interior? Those are the ones you have to knock to see if they sound hollow (ripe). 
    Margo: Brilliant post from you.  Puddletown?! Can there really be such a place? Sounds like something from Harry Potter books. Apart from the fridge giving out, sounds like a super week what with the wedding and visits from friends - and so nice to hear about it. Thanks for keeping us up to date on all the doings plus what Billie is up to (not much by the sound of it). :-)
    Heather: Must be hard to all be on tenterhooks about SiL's job.  (I used to think it was spelled tenderhooks, but no...) Windows 10 is very pushy. You shouldn't have lost much, but I opted for the previous desktop and not all those square blocks with links to places/programs I don't care about (you can delete them and rearrange things around if you want to use the new desktop). 
    dibnlib: Must agree that Andy looked - well not quite Wimbledon. More like he was going hiking. But nobody asked me. :-)  I think 27C is about my limit.
    OG: I saw the forecast for heavy rains. Hope they miss you. 
    BrendaH: Take care and feel better.
    Off to do something constructive......hmmmm