Hi everyone,
What a day, still too windy to have them ringed and tagged so we wait to see whether they will do it today
I think a total of 5 fish were delivered over the course of the day. Exercising, eating, sleeping, just what teenagers get up to really. Lots of nice pics posted during the course of the day.
Happy viewing, see you in the morning, night, night.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
I also think #3 is a boy. Linda printed a picture a day or so ago and it was so like Odin. Chest markings, stature, size and even the haircut. I also think his feet are smaller, but then, I still think Mallachie was a boy !!!
The weather looks a bit damp, all three are sitting down and looking around.
Do we know yet when the R&T may take place???
I originally felt they were all girls, then two females and one male....LOL then back to three females...now veering again towards two females and one male :)
For the record I think I will stick with the latter. Two females, one male. There I have done it now :)
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
We don't honestly know Lynette, but as the centre is now open to the public, it may not be 'till this evening.
Lindy and i posted at the same time so my 'coming home' post was probably missed (page 4) . A big thank you to all for posts and pics and and ''hello' to Stan. I see you have a new avatar Lindy - very lovely colour and markings.
Welcome back Cirrus bet you are pleased not having missed anything. Dreaded plink plonk of rain now but it has not stopped 2 of them having an almighty wing flap.
Just got back from opticians' and was sure R & B was done/on it's way but no, well it happens when it happens :) About the young ones, I predict eldest and youngest are girls and the middle one a boy, but can't really say why I think so LOL
my photos in flickr
Hi Cirrus, good to see you back. Sounds like you have been really enjoying youself. I know what you mean about the R & B. I also hate to see EJ getting distressed when she thinks her chicks are being harmed.
I just got back from the hairdresser to find .... nothing has happened!! I was hoping it would be all over by now.
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Joan, that is you ,auntie and Cirrus all hoping for the same thing.