Hi everyone,
What a day, still too windy to have them ringed and tagged so we wait to see whether they will do it today
I think a total of 5 fish were delivered over the course of the day. Exercising, eating, sleeping, just what teenagers get up to really. Lots of nice pics posted during the course of the day.
Happy viewing, see you in the morning, night, night.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Yep, certainly is crowded LIndy - oh and Alan, I've just read ..... so ...'Happy Hols' in the Lake District. My sister lives in Workington, but, being a 'local'- doesn't go anywhere of course !!
Wow, they look like two tiny puppets up there. EJ in flight is a fabulous capture. I haven't quite mastered the art of waiting for the bird to fly into the lense. I have some brilliant shots of tail feathers !!
jsb, the one with EJ in flight is particularly spectacular as you have captured a flying moment
Lindybird said: Crowded on this nest, now
Crowded on this nest, now
Ever so slightly Lindybird and when Odin arrives now there is hardly any space for him to land. He will have to drop offs while in the air.
margobird said:Ever so slightly Lindybird and when Odin arrives now there is hardly any space for him to land. He will have to drop offs while in the air
Margo, I have visions of the fish coming down on parachutes.
OMG: Bucketing down there!!! EJ calling like crazy - it's gotta be Odin - but how? where? Here he is. What a clever lad.
Fish 3 then ? well OK :)
Odin's on his way, according to EJ! And here he is ...
Two chicks up for feeding.
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Just listen to that rain and wind poor little devils. All hunkered down together. Ringing and tagging looking more and more unlikely. EJ just arrived back aand Odin has just turned up with a fish. What a wonder he is in that torrential rain. Is that fish 4 I have lost count once again. Couldn't quite believe that.
Well, that fish nearly came in a parachute- poor Odin when EJ grabbed it, she nearly pulled him over as it was still in his talons!