Hi, Its been a quiet sort of day if you don't count the wind which has been ferocious sounding at times, its the mike that picks it up.
Only 3 fish delivered all day, this no doubt due to the weather. but having said that the young ospreys have been well provided for over the last few weeks so a day without much probably won't harm them and in fact lett all that fat on them dissipate a bit, hmmmmm.
Seriously though, lets hope the weather is better today so that the ringing and tagging can take place which is scheduled for 8pm tonight.
The bairns are close together, some fidgiting going on and looking around but on the whole they are keeping their heads down with this wind.
Happy viewing everybody, see you in the morning, night, night.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Clip of last fish delivery and part of feed:
she's back, but still calling, and now off again, and now back...
she's really unhappy
She is calm now she must have chased it away. When she bolted off the nest a bit ago she looked like she was on a mission!!
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
In Inverness, wind has now dropped, barely a move from the trees. Down the road at LG still sounds gusty but forecast is for calmer conditions through the night and into tomorrow, Like 6mph and below, as opposed to what we have been experiencing.
Barbara Jean - she certainly was a female osprey on a mission - twice she shot off in the same direction. I can't imagine anyone wanting to tangle with her in that fettle!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Lovely to see them in the evening sunshine, preening and content.
Someone just levitated across the nest and up on to the edge, OMG!
Terry in Cumbria
I wish that chick would get down from there and stop flapping!
EDIT it did get down ... too scary watching this!!
One 'chick' nearly flying now! Also taking to sitting on EJ's perch on the barrier on the right of the nest.
Thanks everyone for all your comments that give a very clear picture of all the comings and goings. I keep checking with netweather when the winds are likeley to drop and tomorrow seems to be the day. Let's just hope that Ian makes it up the ladder before No 1 decides it's launching time. I'm finding it all very exciting and almost unbelievable that we have three smart young ospreys in the nest after such a short time.