Daily Update (LG Nest) Thursday 8th July

Hi,  Its been a quiet sort of day if you don't count the wind which has been ferocious sounding at times, its the mike that picks it up.

Only 3 fish delivered all day, this no doubt due to the weather. but having said that the young ospreys have been well provided for over the last few weeks so a day without much probably won't harm them and in fact lett all that fat on them dissipate a bit,  hmmmmm.

Seriously though, lets hope the weather is better today so that the ringing and tagging can take place which is scheduled for 8pm tonight.

The bairns are close together, some fidgiting going on and looking around but on the whole they are keeping their heads down with this wind.

Happy viewing everybody, see you in the morning, night, night.

  • I did wonder if there was a little trick of nature to make them less hungry, Barbara Jean,  as they also don't seem as desperate when a fish is brought.


  • Hi Everyone.  Thought I'd look in and see where we stand with the tagging and blinging but the wind still seems to be a problem.  Loved your Heads or Tails pic earlier this afternoon Lynette (about 14.30).  Thanks again to you all for all the jolly narratives, pix and fish reports.  Off to see whats happening at LOTL

  • Lindybird said:

    I did wonder if there was a little trick of nature to make them less hungry, Barbara Jean,  as they also don't seem as desperate when a fish is brought.


    They are  almost fully grown and therefore don't need as much food. It is the same with  kids. I think teenagers eat twice as much as  adults . 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Look at their size. They occupy nearly the entire nest 


    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • My teenagers certainly ate a lot, Barbara Jean!   'Bottomless Pits'  &  'Hollow Legs'  were remarks used at the time...

    seriously though, its not surprising that they (the ospreys that is) needed a lot of calories when they were growing as they had to come a long way in a short time from those little naked helpless chicks which emerged from the eggs.

  • All 5 together :-) Odin brought a fish

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • That's 5 fish today, then...  Well done, Odin the Magnificent!