Hi everyone,
Its been an uneventful day except that EJ went fishing for the first time since the chicks came along and brought back a whopper of a fish. I believe there was a total of 8 brought to the nest but will be corrected if I am wrong.
Two of our young ospreys were preening but now only one who has got up and is still at it. The other two are asleep.
Nearly the end of June already and look how they've grown!!
Enjoy the night viewing wherever you are. Night, night.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Morning everyone and thanks for all the overnight and early morning reporting and pics. 2 fish already this morning so once again Odin is off to a good start. 3 juveniles sleeping off their breakfasts and EJ practising how long she can stand on one leg without falling over.
Once again, Eldest likes to keep watch with mum.
All is quiet with one taking an interest in the nest the other two dozing and EJ doing her yoga at present.
That intruder is abouit, EJ is alarm calling and mantling. She is frantic now.
EJ being bothered by the intruder again
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
It doesn't look like going away and the camera has got gremlins. Ooops it s back .
All three juveniles are looking to see what mum is making all that fuss about.
EJ calling ... is Odin on his way? Yes ... here he is ... the backward trot from EJ! All up and ready
EDIT - Odin hanging around this time ... he's just gone!
EJ calling Odin, eldest taking a look around. The other two are getting up and joining in.
Backwards walk and in comes Odin with FISH # 3 All three about to line up in orderly fashion.
Doesn't he look handsome.
11.00 and fish 3 didn't look very big though. I just love to watch the procedure each time Odin is around with a fish.
One of the young ones looked at dad as if he was going to feed it , but no, dad took off and the little osprey looked agog, not interested in food at the moment and is preening itself.