Daily Update (LG Nest) Friday June 18,2010

Webcam still down; let's see what the morrow brings...

  • Woodpecker. Am loving your avatar.  I have one male g.s. woodpecker who when he has finished feeding round the back he flies in that undulating way and starts bullying ther feeders round the front garden. I call him Gordon as that is a bully I know of! :-)))))

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • I'm betting you are wrong re the sexes Pharazon , cos, girls have their 'bibs' higher up their breast and more pronounced than the boys and I've noticed chicks 1 and 2 have a nice set of coloured 'bib' ffeathers now, high up on their breast - like EJ.   :)   :)  Any more predictions lads and lassies?

  • Is it  Chick 1 or 2 who isn't eating?  Oh He/she is now!  Good!1 Must be fukl to bursting the lot of them

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • Not surprised at least one is not interested as this is fish no 6. At Rutland Water the 3 chicks are doing well on 3 or 4 fish per  day!!!!.  

  • Unknown said:

    I'm betting you are wrong re the sexes Pharazon , cos, girls have their 'bibs' higher up their breast and more pronounced than the boys and I've noticed chicks 1 and 2 have a nice set of coloured 'bib' ffeathers now, high up on their breast - like EJ.   :)   :)  Any more predictions lads and lassies?

      I was thinking titch was male but was wrong last year with Mallachie!  Could have sworn Mallachie was a boy. She was so lightly coloured and a different temperament from Rothes and Garten. 

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • Lindybird said:

    Thanks for that info about 7 fish in total yesterday, margobird. Hope you can go and volunteer next year.

    Foxtail:   You now officially have ospreyitis !!!



    Lindybird  I have to fess up now and admit  that I have had Ospreyitis since 2005 when I started following the Brassenthwaite Lake pair in Cumbria. I found out about Loch Garten and the from then on........................well, the rest is history :)))

    Thanks Margobird  for fish numbers from yesterday.

    Just logged on to see fish being dished out again. Looks like a nice afternoon/evening there.

  • video of the 4:55pm feed:




    in terms of it being the same chick not eating, i don't see how it can be. the one that didn't eat this time is definitly pooing, which suggests the something is going in the other end, but it's so diffucult for me to tell them apart.

  • I think I'd sooner wait and see what the LG tell us when they ring them. It certainly looks as though #2 is bigger and could be female and #1 male , as for Titch not sure yet. Lets wait and see , we could all be wrong.

  • Tish said:

    Woodpecker. Am loving your avatar.  I have one male g.s. woodpecker who when he has finished feeding round the back he flies in that undulating way and starts bullying ther feeders round the front garden. I call him Gordon as that is a bully I know of! :-)))))

    Hi Tish

    I agree that the GSW is gorgeous. He's a regular visitor to my garden, and I always look forward to seeing him.

    I call him Woody as I'm not known for my originality :-))

    Best wishes Chris


    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Well!!!! that was demolished fairly quickly, the three have settled down and are preening. EJ is watching and listening to something.  I can hear a strange sound in the background, it seems to have stopped now.