Weekly Chat, Sunday June 13, 2010

Morning everyone and welcome to a new week!  Last week's Weekly Chat ended with some interesting entries and very interesting links (wonderful pix of swan giving cygnets a ride, courtesy of Lindybird, and, thanks very much Alan; another perspective on those oil-covered pelicans - good news too!).  OG: Not rushing and dashing; kids are here and headed to bed early for ultra-early departure. Margobird: Thanks for update on Hope and Lily.

Gather USA/England draw was result of bungle by England goalkeeper?

  • DIANE   thank you for the info on "stinky, glad you saved her from the workman, will try and find a snake translation book for you!!!!!!

  • HEATHER    thank you, it made me smile.

    ANNETTE   silly song released in the 60s by a group called Napoleon xiv. "They are coming to  take me away ha haa he he ho ho, to the funny farm.".........

  • Unknown said:

    I'm also appalled that a U.S. citizen can work full time -- 40 hours per week or more -- and still not make a living wage (enough money for adequate food, shelter, and health care).

    I should have said that all people -- regardless of their citizenship, gender, or race/ethnicity -- should be able to make a living wage in America. I didn't want you folks to think that I approved of anyone being treated unfairly or exploited.

  • Morning all:  Impromptu breakfast with daughter this morning.  In the garden, it's drains and ditches today.  Meanwhile, inside, a pile of ironing is beginning to mumble in the corner... (Gosh, don't know about humanizing ospreys - I'm humanizing the ironing now.)

    Lindybird: What a clever dog you have!  If we had a cat door, possums, skunks, raccoons, and anyone else in the neighborhood would come trotting in too!  They do have these electronic doors that work with a matching device on the pet's collar, but I think Lightning would be a nervous wreck trying to cope with a door opening and shutting suddenly; besides, she loves to roll in the dirt and we like the chance to wipe her off before she rolls on the carpet.  Love your pix. What's all this rubbish about you posting too much?  Rubbish!

    OG: Yes, herons balance at the very tippy top of trees (also on lower branches); they're so huge I can't imagine how the branches support them.  They build their nests there too. All highly visible and they have a heron's eye view of the beach, parking lot, and surrounding area.  Little caterpillar reminds me of the ones I used to see at home. When we tied the plants away from the wall for the contractors, OH said he saw something brown and furry, but when we went back, it had gone.  Glad you can say bye-bye to puffy limbs. Too bad you have to get a shot for that.  Hope painter did a good job.

    Brenda: Ironing is very bad for painful ankle; suggest you shove it all in the closet for a week or two.

    Margobird: Healing stitches are no fun, but only a couple more days of it.

    Heather: I remember something like that - when I learned it, it was cows not pigs.

    dibnlib:  Ah - I remember "They're coming to take me away...." Must have blacked out after that! :-)

    Diane: Not to worry; we all know what you meant - and I agree. If only we ruled the world!

    Good grief: Just checked the cam and EJ has arrived wearing what looks like a huge furry boot with a twig in her mouth. It'll be a pirate cap next...


  • Heather B Very belatedly, I remember the Flying Enterprise - CaptIain Carlson was my hero, as he refused to leave his ship.  I thought it was very romantic and gathered up some newspaper cuttings.  (I was 9 or 10 at the time.)

    EDIT Sorry to hear about the troubles some of you are having.  Hope they clear up quickly.  OG When I was on steroids for my asthma (gave my own injections) I only got the puffy limbs about 2 days after the injectiion and then they settled down after a day or two more.

    A cry for help: Has anyone bought a feeding station from the RSPB catalogue (its ct. no. R402056) and a patio base for it (R402058)?  I ordered both and received them a couple of days ago.  Feeder station is great, patio base is great but when I try to join them together, the pole of the feedeer station falls over.  I assume I'm doing something wrong but can't see what it is.  Any help or advice would be gratefully received!

  • For Annette and everyone who has an interest in whales:

    http://articles.latimes.com/2010/apr/28/opinion/la-oe-reynolds-20100428      I signed the petition.

    Really? Kill the whales for cash and prostitutes? http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/environment/article7149091.ece

  • Hi patriciat -  re bird feeding station .... did the pole come with an insert for the bottom of the pole to make it fit the patio base? I bought the base but a wider diameter pole & I think I remember reading that the narrower one needed the insert to make it fit into the base.

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Golly,  lots of postings today.

    OG   Glad to hear your injection has 'sorted you out' as my grandmother used to say - hope the puffiness goes soon.  Now you can enjoy some of this nice weather we seem to be having for a couple of days.

    BrendaH:   Oh dear, poor you - not a good idea falling like that, so hope it's not swelled up by now. Can only feel that you got off lightly as could have been more serious. Do take it easy. (I don't like the VuVu noise either, its very annoying when you can't hear all the other things going on at the matches)

    dibnlib:   Thanks for reminding us about the song and the Group who sang it - its been going through my head and I couldn't remember who they were.  Ha Ha He He Ho Ho !

    Also Heather reminding us about the old ditty of 'good job pigs  ....etc.'

    DjoanS:   You reminded me about the little plastic boats we had for in the bath, or in the sink - did they come in cereal packets?  You put baking soda in those, too.  I had a pride and joy, my father one Christmas made me a dolls house, it only had four rooms and the little bits of furniture were mostly plastic, but oh, how I loved it - don't know what happened to it in the end.

    Annette:  Nice to have some quality time with family.  Hope the garden works go on as planned.

    I tried to be strong and spend some quality time in the garden this afternoon, so switched off here (!!) and pottered around.  OH fixed me up a new Rotating Washing Line which I treated myself to, as the Old one was not only rusty, but also falling to pieces.  The new one is Very Blue and Large, so dominates the lawn area now - at least it will do the job.  Sighed to think how these mundane things can excite me now.... then, of course I rushed back in and looked on here to see how many fish I had missed today.

    Son who is Father-to-Be rang up an hour or so ago to tell us that not only is our daughter in law now sporting a tiny bump, but that they had both felt the baby kicking!  Now I can bore all our friends with the news.

    Enjoyed SpringWatch tonight, the Kestrals have a clutch of chicks who are thriving in spite of their poor mother being killed yesterday by a car - the male bird is still delivering food as fast as he can, and luckily the young are old enough to deal with eating it themselves without being fed individually. Looks like they will all survive. Also great clips of a Sparrowhawk family with tiny chicks just hatched.

    Must go and do some -- ironing again.. ugh.

  • Evening Lindybird I have been trying to find out what happened to the female kestrel and as yet haven't watched Springwatch.  How sad that she has been killed by a car but the male is doing such a good job bringing food in and fortunately the chicks can now feed themselves.


    Going to say goodnight to all now have spent loads of time watching today while OH is up in London and consequently feel bog eyed now.


  • Oh, Diane -   just read your links re the whales.  How could they?  It almost makes your blood run cold to think that they could even consider such a thing.  And I've always wondered how Japan got away with it without too much protesting from other nations, re their appalling Whaling policy: now we know it's because of grubby little incentives like these.  AAaaargh!