Weekly Chat, Sunday June 13, 2010

Morning everyone and welcome to a new week!  Last week's Weekly Chat ended with some interesting entries and very interesting links (wonderful pix of swan giving cygnets a ride, courtesy of Lindybird, and, thanks very much Alan; another perspective on those oil-covered pelicans - good news too!).  OG: Not rushing and dashing; kids are here and headed to bed early for ultra-early departure. Margobird: Thanks for update on Hope and Lily.

Gather USA/England draw was result of bungle by England goalkeeper?

  • Got my injection, no problem.  Should now find life easier for a few months - first good thing will be losing considerable weight from puffy limbs - I like that bit!.

    Painter finished, birds singing, not a cloud in the sky!!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hi All, Plenty to read here today. Sunny again but the strong NE wind is still with us. I think I have washed everything possible and now just having a break from the ironing !

    I started my day by slipping down a couple of the stairs. I now have a rather painful foot and ankle, no swelling though. Will see how it goes.

    George G, Mixed news about your B-i-L but so glad he is now nearer home. Do take care of yourself.

    Annette, You will have to choose which TV to buy very soon. Wimbledon is very near now. Glad to hear the ocean is still where it should be. Very reassuring.

    Linda, I have never thought you are on here too much. I enjoy reading your postings so do continue please.

    OG, Hope your cough eases. Love your catterpillar photograph. 

    Margo, Sorry you are so uncomfortable with the bruising and the stitches tightening. The next stage is the itching and you can't scratch.

    dibnlib, I hope dillon's lip doesn't need surgery, but if it does, as you say, you don't really have a choice and will have to dig deep into your wallet. Poor Dillon.

    Hope you are all enjoying your day. 





  • Afternoon all,

    Lots of posts on here today so I will just say thanks to everyone for their chat,pics,links etc.

    GeorgeG : Glad that your Bil has been move to  a hospital nearer to you. I must say I have great admiration for the way you look after other members of your family.

    Dibnlib : I know how you feel about Dillons lip. We have had to make a couple of difficult decisions about whether  vets operations were necessary to remove what turned out to be benign lumps.

    Another day another shopping mission. This time it was Sainsburys for a change.Not long back from taking Hamish for his walk and seeing a Red Kite over the village. Weather is sunny but still a cool wind.

     Temp 15.1c

  • Just so the fish dont feel left out. Here is a salmon webcam:

  • I think that site must be very popular Alan. It keeps restarting the time. I will try again later but thanks.

  • OG   glad to hear about your goldfinches. Nice to have Woodpigeons, trouble is they don't leave any food for the others. As soon as our Woodpigeons leave I always have to replenish stock

  • This morning's paper says that the vuvuzela is now invading Britain. Sales of the traditional African horn in Sainsbury's have reached one every two seconds. They cost £2 each and expect to have sold 75,000 by Friday. So even if you don't enjoy the football, there will be no getting away from the vuvuzela. I find it a most irritating noise.

  • thanks Diane, yes, vet bills are extortionate and the pills cost at least twice what similar would cost for us. We have  the Peoples Dispensary for Sick Animals and The Blue Cross here for those who need help with their vet bills, guess you will  have something similar

    Love the fox using the daily papers for its den, well done that fox. Remember seeing a swans nest on tv and the swan had used crisp packets and all sorts of litter. As the programme said we see litter, the birds see a use for it. think the programme was "Urban Springwatch. 

  • Theres talk on the daily page about the young ones aiming well over the side of the nest and whether the LG staff walk carefully to avoid the inevitable. Thought I'd be really childlike and remind us all - if your childhood was as daft as mine - of a little ditty from primary school

    Little birdie flying high

    Dropped a present from the sky

    'OH' said the farmer, wiping his eye

    Its a darn good job that pigs don't fly

  • Heather B said:

    Theres talk on the daily page about the young ones aiming well over the side of the nest and whether the LG staff walk carefully to avoid the inevitable. Thought I'd be really childlike and remind us all - if your childhood was as daft as mine - of a little ditty from primary school

    Little birdie flying high

    Dropped a present from the sky

    'OH' said the farmer, wiping his eye

    Its a darn good job that pigs don't fly



    LOL HeatherB nothing wrong with being childlike, I often say childhood ditties to OH and he always says where did that come from.  Also my Mum had a lot of sayings which I often use.
