Hi everyone and especially to Annette in SoCal - have posted a last note that I was starting new thread, hope that helps.
As you can guess, its raining or has been raining and EJ is soaked but managing to keep the wee ones undercover. I'm not sure how many fish were delivered yesterday but there were a few.
Rain seems to have eased and EJ is having a little stretch at the moment.
Happy watching to all of you around the globe. See you in the morning.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
And another:
I wish the center would tell us what, if anything, they know about this intruder. Leg ring or other markings to identify it. It is so persistent
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
WOW!! Intruder tried to land on EJ!!!
If nothing goes right, go left! :-)
Hi everyone.Thanks for all the updates, pics etc.That intruder is certainly persistant. Good job EJ and Odin are excellent at defending the nest.Paul.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Unknown said: I wish the center would tell us what, if anything, they know about this intruder. Leg ring or other markings to identify it. It is so persistent
Barbara Jean: It looks like the one that has been around on and off all season, which is an unringed male. If he thinks that EJ will let him mate with her then he's sadly mistaken.
Intruder clearly seen in this clip:
Thanks for the clip, Alan. Definitely seems to be the same one that was around the other day.
Your video excellent Alan, and shows clearly that at least it wasn't White TF (Butch looking lady if ever I saw one :) ) I'd recognise White TF anywhere.
Another fish.
Great to see Odin deliver a fish for the chicks and EJ after all her troubles with the intruder. My word ... Titch is getting big :-)) ... and you can just see the golden coloured nape starting to show!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
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