Weekly Chat, Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hi everyone:  Don't forget to check the final posts of last week's chat for tips on ordering stuff through the mail and what to do when a package has been tampered with and/or items never arrive in the first place! Also, OG is back and had a lovely time and may post photos if she can find some without total strangers blocking the views!  Brenda/dibnlib: Americans aren't "allowed" to go to Cuba because - oh don't get me started. But a friend of mine did go there - he had to go somewhere else first and then pop over to Cuba on the QT before heading back to the States.  Tiger:  Nice to see you.  Emma:  "They" have just approved a bunch of wind turbines offshore of Cape Cod - one of the most famous scenic places on the U.S. East Coast!  I'm fascinated to see what happens since I can't believe the moneyed and well-connected folk with fab houses in that area would allow it to actually happen.  Diane: Yes, I read some comments on Trucker Steve's blog about some negative folk on Facebook, but no idea what that was all about and, like you, had no inclination to find out!  He's heading to Florida next...

Since folks on here are talking about it, thought I'd mention that BP's curly headed CEO? didn't endear himself to anyone last week when he said he was eager to "get his life back" after the spill.  A nice option for him when those killed and their families won't ever have that option, not to mention the wildlife.

Haven't been around much today - Farmer's Market and errands this morning, then this afternoon went on our Gray Whale "thank you to volunteers" boat ride on the Condor, which typically does whale watch cruises for tourists, etc., but was just for us this afternoon. Mike, our main GWC guy, works (unofficially) with the captain of the Condor during Gray Whale season. The Condor calls us when they see whales heading our way while we let them know when we have whales around Coal Oil Point. A win-win arrangement for everyone.  Today, we left the harbor and immediately found ourselves in a pod of dolphins - a huge pod of about 700, Mike estimated, in full hunting mode. Just an amazing spectacle; we were surrounded by them. The dophins on the outer edge of the pod were leaping out of the water in coordinated groups of four or five - one of the rangers said she'd seen that behavior before and speculated that it may be a way of driving the fish into a particular position to facilitate feeding for the rest of the group . We could see fish jumping - literally for their lives.  Other dolphins were behind the boat and still more right beside us, riding the wake from the bow . Immediately in front of the bow the dolphins were swimming (all this very fast) upside down, their bellies exposed and our guide explained that this was normal hunting behavior - that they can better see the fish from this position. Just amazing. Then we headed 9 miles out to track two humpback whales - a cow and calf pair, which we followed for about 30 minutes, watching the mother roll on her side to feed on krill; then saw the calf breach, which was a real treat.  They served us wine and food, but I didn't partake since we were in a heavy swell and my innards were feeling a bit odd. That wasn't helped by the diesel fumes or the very strong perfume that two young women were wearing. I haven't had problems on boats before, but as they say, there's always a first time and this was it.  Suffice to say I made it to a quiet corner at the rear of the ship before.....

Probably going to bed early tonight!  Granddaughter and OH arriving Wednesday, so a busy week ahead.  Take care all!

  • Brilliant, Lindybird and Thankyou

  • Good evning dibnlib now I have made the definite decision to volunteer next year I have my fingers crossed that I will be accepted.  It would be great to meet up if I do get up there.


    Shame about the Dog Trust not being able to accept donations.  I would have thought in this day and age it would make sense if they were allowed to.  So many charities are going through difficult financial times at the moment and I would have thought every penny helps.


    Enjoy your show tonight I have also heard it is very funny.


  • Lindybird that is a wonderful poem for Odin.  Everything you say is so true about him.


  • Thanks for Odins poem Lindybird. Brilliant.

  • Did more weeding this afternoon – accompanied constantly by blackbirds.  After dinner, watered some plants and fed vegetables, then watched last night’s SpringWatch.  Lindybird – another lovely poem for Odin, thank you for sharing it.  Here is a picture of a sunny corner of our garden:



    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • AQ, I was going to say you probably might feel daft wearing the same thing in both lots of wedding photos, but I see Annette has said something similar already, so I won’t  ;))  Cute fatty kookaburra, poor little thing, it’ll probably go straight back to those barbies!

    Patriciat, I always use travel bands when we go to the Isle of Man, and in an earlier life when I was a rally navigator. The smell of burning mud on exhaust pipes still brings a sick feeling on.

    Thanks for the Gardening Scotland pics OG, and the lovely coloured peony, ours are mostly pale pink.  I think I could persuade OH to go there next year, if someone reminds me in advance! Is this the bright-colour-corner?

    Loved the Odin on Guard poem Lindybird, I have had them in the corner of my computer at work as usual, no time to read daily updates though, unless something happens, then sometimes I do.

    I thought I wasn’t getting through the chat, but suddenly I’m at the end. May have skimmed some things, I seem to have missed Margo and her ears. Best wishes to all not feeling at their best or with relatives ditto. I don’t know what I’m doing still up, I’m totally zonked with extra work to cover for sick boss (who looked much more his usual self when I saw him last week, thank goodness) and have been going to bed at 10.  Just shows how interesting it is on here  ; ))

    Terry in Cumbria

  • Lindybird - I am sooo jealous of your poppies. Alan - Maybe such a dragon beside my front door would deter unsolicited callers? Dibnlib - I do wish Maggie would not start singing before I get up in the morn! Margobird - Glad you had a great donkey day. OG - Hm, that garden is obviously for busy gardeners who never sit down. LOL Cirrus & HeatherB - Hope your & s-i-l's eye problems mend quickly. I think eyes are more important than ears, having seen my father virtually blind at the end. Annette - Slow down! You are making me tired (or do I mean guilty?) TerryM - I expect they will have to release the kookaburra in her same territory. Somehow the public has to be educated not to feed wildlife.

    Himself & I went out for our monthly dinner last eve to the Flying Knife again. It was so cold and windy. I opted for fish & chips & salad. Two enormous pieces of whiting. Delicious. Afterwards I felt like certain young ospreys we know. But like them I soon raised my head for more - in the form of a chocolate brownie & icecream. I paid the penalty at home by falling asleep over my book, sleeping till oh so late (not telling). Then couldn’t sleep when I went to bed!!!!


  • Evening/morning all: Just off to bed after lovely afternoon/dinner/evening with granddaughter and our OHs. They made very good time from Arizona and were thrilled to be in a cooler area (here by the coast).  Another busy day tomorrow with daughter, grandson and his girlfriend (I think she's coming) and three (belated) birthdays to celebrate.  The good news is that yappy little dog has grown into well-behaved and quiet little dog.

    Lovely poem Lindybird!  Big hallo to everyone else who posted; did read all but just about to fall asleep over my computer (no chocolate brownie and ice cream to blame it on though).

    Take care everyone.

  • Glad you're having a nice visit, Annette!!!

    Loved your poem. It must have been so moving to hear your grandchild's heartbeat, Lindybird!!!

    Loved your photos, OG!!!

    Glad you had a nice time as a donkey carer, Margobird!!!

    Please send chocolate brownie and ice cream (coffee ice cream), AQ!!!

    Don't work too hard, TerryM!!!

    I hope you don't have to wait long at the doctor's, and I also hope that your eye heals very quickly, Cirrus!!!

    I hope your SiL's eye problem heals quickly, too, HeatherB!!!

    Ok, I'm all out of exclamation points, so I'm off to bed. LOL LOL Everyone have a good Thursday!!! Ha. I found 3 more.

  • Morning, All.   Drizzly again here today, but we are promised better weather later on today.

    Diane !!!!!!!!     I have lots of exclamation points left, I'll send you some !!!      Glad to hear from you, we sometimes wonder how you are when you are incommunicado because of the storms etc.

    Annette:    Pleased you are enjoying your visitors - try to rest in between being hostess and cook. At least the doggie is not going to be a trial - it can be annoying when someone else's dog is badly behaved, so perhaps this one has just matured a bit, now.

    Thanks for the sunny picture, OG.

    I'm off to do guess what - the Ironing !!