Hi all. Fingers crossed the cam will be fixed soon.
Hooray! Thanks for that news. Welcome, chick No. 3 !!!
That's great news about chick#3, Hazel.
Here's a pic of EJ looking splendid in the morning sun.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Here is EJ just now, counting.....1..2...let's see now....yes, 3!
That's a lovely picture, Heron.
Unknown said: Chick #3 natched just a short while ago. Richard sent a text to Julie who then let us know on Facebook :)
Chick #3 natched just a short while ago. Richard sent a text to Julie who then let us know on Facebook :)
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Great news about the 3rd chick. I have received a message on facebook confirming it.
Now, where is that boy with the fish delivery??
Thanks to all for he pics and Heron such a beautiful clip of her checking on her little family.
Here it is !!
---can you see the broken egg, and Odin looking at the chicks?