Well, we live in hopes, Maybe the cam will leap into life?
I'm sure someone will help you out, Barbara Jean.
EJ now looking around a lot in each picture:
More preening, so she can't be too bothered about interference this morning:
Lindybird said: I'm sure someone will help you out, Barbara Jean. EJ now looking around a lot in each picture:
Hello fans, See we are just fine !!
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Afternoon all, Thanks for all the updates and pics this morning. I have been out and about on various missions. Its a pity the camera is down as I have a feeling the 3rd egg will hatch today.
Looks like a fish delivery:
Feeding time:
Great that there has been another fish: thanks for great pics, Alan. EJ now settled again on the nest:
facing the other way, this time. Those chicks are well fed for now, which is a good start. I thought it was time the other egg hatched. If it does hatch, and its days behind the others, there will be one very small chick which will have to fight its corner.
Thanks Alan and all for pics, at least we know Odin has been fishing. Thank heavens for the stills camera.
Can't resist this one; just look at those beautiful ruff feathers she has!
Strange pic on the still camera! Looks like another fish delivery though.
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
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