Thought I'd start a separate thread for the posting of news, updates, pictures etc. from the nest at the Loch of the Lowes. Now that the first chick has hatched at Loch Garten the Daily Update page is going to get too unwieldy if it is used for news from LotL as well as LG, and the "News From Other Nests" is getting pretty full as well.
Hi folks. Sorry I've been gone so much; lots of things going on and must get some sleep tonight so will keep an eye on the nest for a bit. Empty right now.
We have a chick on the nest - has its back to me and is calling.
Chick is still at the nest but not calling.
Chick still at nest; no other activity. I'm off to bed folks. Goodnight.
One chick on the nest and calling at 6:30am
If nothing goes right, go left! :-)
Waiting for breakfast.
Empty nest now so I am going for breakfast.
Morning folks, has anybody noticed if chick 2 has had anything to eat yet. Chick 1 just landed calling loudly and took off again, think there are intruders this morning.
Morning Lmac.
I have seen no fish deliveries since I have been here. The chicks have been back and forth though.
I am going now, housework to do :-)
They should fly over to the LG nest, plenty of fish over there lol