Well another day begins with the night-time. EJ is fidgiting again and rolling the eggs although the chicks sound quiet now and Lady at LOTL is having a moment - fidgiting a bit but now settled down.
All you early watchers I hope you find that EJ's 1st chick will have hatched. Capture it if you can and we will find out in the morning.
Goodnight all.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
IF you look very carefully, you can see the chick under EJ' s breast. When I was looking , the head was bobbing of course, nevertheless, that pale smudge in the brown on the left side of EJ's breast is the chick. Sorry it's not more exciting
EDIT I mean RIGHT (left as I was looking at it)
Beautiful shot Lihdybird of our beloved EJ.
I deeply appreciate the "Day team " comments. Your day is our night so I miss quite a bit
I am up very late in hopes of seeing the first feed
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Sorry, now I'm doubting myself
Laird has just flown in at LOTL and is caling, do hope there isn't an intruder about. Those chicks are so vulnerable.
He seems to have brought in a fish and is taking his fill of it, Lady looking on as if to say, "where's mine," but waiting patiently for her turn.
Great view of chick now. THanks EJ
Lovely pics of the chick at the moment. EJ really let us have a look as she took a bit of wing flapping exercise.