Daily Update (LG Nest) Saturday 22nd May

Well another day begins with the night-time. EJ is fidgiting again and rolling the eggs although the chicks sound quiet now and Lady at LOTL is having a moment - fidgiting a bit but now settled down.

All you early watchers I hope you find that EJ's 1st chick will have hatched. Capture it if you can and we will find out in the morning.

Goodnight all.

  • Bad boy Odin hasn't brought an evening fish. How can a small chick go till morning for food (and drink - which is contained in the food)

  • Evening everyone still watching.  Its been a long but super day.  I think Odin is still hungover from his night out wetting the baby's head and can't quite get his act together but give him time and he'll do what is expected of him.  Things are changing on the nest day by day and he is probably missing his time on the nest brooding the eggs, poor chap.  Hope the little chick doesn't keep mum awake all night.

  • Poor Odin seemed a bit puzzled by it all, even though he'd done this last year.  He misses sitting on the eggs, I think, as he so enjoyed that!  I'm sure he'll be a good provider when he gets the hang of it.

    The ever present cuckoo is still serenading EJ:  I've never heard one sing so much.

  • I was just going to say something about EJ 'in the fading light' but as I watched, the night cam came on and its hard to see her now.  I'm off now but looking forward to seeing more of our chick tomorrow. 'Night all.

  • I am sure you are all right -             I bow to your collectivie opinions

  • Well, I was out all day so have just finished reading through the news of today's wonderful happening (and also caught up on the weekly).  I was going to say the cuckoo was still going at 9.50 but then it had another go about 10.10.  I see it was being mentioned last night too. Congrats to the new parents (again - I wonder if they ever compare them to last year's LOL)

    Terry in Cumbria

  • Yes, poor Odin!  He was so content living his dream!   A little bit of fishing, a little bit of defending the nest, a bit of housework, and LOTS of egg-sitting.  I'm sure he could have gone on like that for ever!  But then the eggs started doing strange things, and his world was turned upside down again!  He just didn't know what to do with these noisey new eggs, and then when one of them hatched, it took a while for him to realise that his egg-sitting days ere over for this season.   Now it's taking a bit of time for him to get his mind out of the happy little rut it was travelling in and move on to the next stage, where he has a much heavier responsibility.  this isn't his first successful breeding season, but he still isn't very experienced.  I'm sure he just didn't realise that EJ would need that left-over fish for later.  He'll soon be back in stride though, you'll see!  ;-) 

    Smiles, Jan.

  • Hi to those still watching - been out so catching up on news. I see that they have been fed. Odin is living up to his reputation of being a SUPER DAD even if he pinches some himself. Poor man's got to eat to keep his strength up for fishing.!

    EJ is calling, can she see Odin I wonder, even in the dark. She seems a bit fidgity as well.

  • EJ was getting uncomfortable and took off for a comfort break but was back within seconds chirping away to the chick to say she was back.  Settled down again pretty quickly, doesn't want the chick to get cold I presume.

  • 10.55 EJ off for a comfort break and back again in a flash.  All quiet.  I was up late last night so will probably pack in soon happy to have had such a wonderful day both on the osprey nest and off.  Hope the BBQ at LG went well.  Cake had been delivered by blogger Mamma G as  you will know.