Another day closer to the first egg hatching and I'm pretty sure Odin is still sitting after EJ flew off for a break. I could be wrong of course. Eagle eyes amongst you early morning viewers may be able to put me right.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
I was watching Odin being shoved off the eggs and burst out laughing. What would those birds think if they knew the world was watching they're every move. Is it fair and would you like it!! Apart from those who appear in Big Brother (ghastly)
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
Ej back to reclaim the eggs ... by sliding her feet under Odin!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Joan isn't it the funniest thing.. :)) One day Odin will just roll over :-))))))
Now EJ is giving an intermittent squeak. Odd sound>
Maybe she hears the chicks in the eggs!!
What happens if thefirst chick arrives late evening when there is no chance of food?? Or can she make sure they hatch in the morning? Maybe a daft question!!
Is there anyone there ..... who could speak to somebody here!!
Well EJ it looks like it's just you and me tonight!!
EJ what would you do if the springs get less warm but the days stay longer. Would you consider coming later or stay at the usual time. ?? Take your time thinking about it there;s nobody else here!!
Hello Tish - I am here!! Not very clever re ospreys and don't post much as you know, but like you and lots of others have been looking for the SLIGHTEST indication of imminent hatching! When I am watching, every movement that EJ makes gets me looking intently and enlarging the picture!
Oh Thank goodness Heather I was going silly there:-- Don't you think they are just the most amazing birds. And to eat only fish. Slightly precarious and boring you'd think. You live up that way though don't you or am I wrong as usual!! :))) Something just happened ans I missed it now EJ is on the nest!! Was there a fish??? Cirrus will scream at me if nobody noticed!!!!