Daily Update (LG Nest) Thursday 20th May

Another day closer to the first egg hatching and I'm pretty sure Odin is still sitting after EJ flew off for a break. I could be wrong of course.  Eagle eyes amongst you early morning viewers may be able to put me right.

  • Lynette D said:

    Was out of the room so missed the changeover. Glad she's back.  I expext from tomorrow we will all be fairly glued to the webcam to see if the first chick emerges.

    I wonder when the next one at LOTL will hatch.


    Lynette. Have a read of this Facebook Page which deals with RP not working with Windows 7


    There are some entries with advice from Real itself. The first thing to check it sounds like it to make sure you have the most up to date version. There are instructions on that page for that.

    Can Let me know you've read this so I know you haven't missed it:)



    Will look at it tomorrow, Gary, Thanks


    By the way Gary, have had a look at the site. Did what Real Player suggests on Facebook even though I had previously installed it so we'll see what happens. If no joy this time I give up .