Daily Update, Sunday, May 16, 2010

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  • Sandy, that is a lovely picture. Thanks. Captures EJ and the scene perfectly.

    She has been chirping quietly, on and off , for a while, even since the night camera has been on. I like to think Odin as about, keeping an eye on things.

  • Goodnight Linda and Brenda:)

  • Just logged on to find out news.  Looked at all the photo's since last sign on and they are great. Thanks to all of you for capturing them.. It looks like EJ only got the 1 fish today then.  Gary, you never did tell me which part of the world you are fromj - USA?  Australia? or where?

  • Hey Lynette.  I know you are a night owl so if you look back to yesterday's daily update, Gary replies to you.  He is in the US.  I've just been checking on the events of the day.  Seems to have been fairly quiet although there was an intruder around in the early evening which seems to have kept Odin pretty busy.  Hope this reaches you before the new thread starts.  Its just after midnight!  Emma

  • Lynette, as Emma says, i wasn't ignoring you!! lol. The posts must have crossed.

    Well, EJ has had an exhusting day as she is fast asleep, head on the nest asleep:) 1.17am

  • Starting new Daily Update

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