Evening all. Good grief. Was about to say it's light already at LG and the cam just went down! (EJ was on the nest at the time.)
I hear radio chaffiinch starting to sing - wonder whats on the menu today!!
Marj looks peaceful at LOtL
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Still no action then, EJ waiting patiently! on the nest for breakfast looking into the distance - can she see Odin?
I wonder, Lynette. She always looks in that direction when expecting his return. Nice and peaceful there.
In case the weather deteriorates later, here is pic of EJ looking lovely in the sunshine:
Have to go out now, catch up with whats been happening when I get back. Hope Odin delivers soon.
EJ now being pelted by hailstones.
Wind doesn't seem as strong today, so the hail is falling straight down onto nest and now looks a llittle white and wintry.
Good morning Brenda H. Call me daft but I couldn't bear to watch or listed to the hail. Turned sound down and went away. I hope this awful weather is not going to cause problems with the hatching. It just seems never ending. Hail seems to have stopped for now so I hope Odin will be able to bring a fish for her soon.
Oh dear ... its snowing on poor EJ again. I've just read through the posts and it seems she hasn't had a breakfast fish yet ... hurry up Odin ... she needs a fish to keep up her strength in this cold weather!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
EJ still sitting, waiting. Snow! not again. I've been out & come back hoping there had been a fish. (don't know why my pic from before didnt come out)