Evening all. Good grief. Was about to say it's light already at LG and the cam just went down! (EJ was on the nest at the time.)
OK. Was lollygagging on the Weekly Chat page and then realized the cam was back up - and in color - and with EJ and Odin having a leisurely putter about.
OK. Odin has just left. I'm having a lot of strange problems with AOL today. EJ is fighting with a feather - had it on her beak as a kind of mustache - can't say it flattered her!
Hmm. Well EJ got tired of waiting for Odin to come back and has gone off for a fly about. A moment lalter, Odin flew in and is fussing with the soft furnishings before settling on the eggs.
OK. Well, EJ just came home and Odin up and left without being nudged off the eggs. All very peaceful and even sunny at LG today. I'm off to bed. Take care all.
All quiet on the nest. Competition between Radio Chaffinch there and Radio Starling here.
Good morning all a quick peek before I finish packing just to make sure EJ and Odin are OK. Can see that Odin has been around already. Now it is time to fish Odin, your EJ will need some food to help her keep warm. Back later.
Morning All. EJ sitting serenely on the nest this morning, looks sunny thank goodness as its been a cold night last night.
Good Morning. I notice the forecast for Aviemore says sleet showers today and only a maximum temperature of 6c.
Oh Brenda ! Poor EJ. Hang on in there, girl. At least she is sitting in the sun at present.
Good morning all, weather doesn't sound too good for LG then. Lets hope that Odin can bring in breakfast before too long, EJ must be hungry after only one fish yesterday. She's looking around and at the nest wondering whether she can move the furniture about a bit. Looks dry at the moment.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home