Hi all. Back in a bit.
Looks like its only moi. It's just gone 2 pm here.
Annete - Have an early night - after you finish the unfinished glass. Sleep well.
OK guys, well EJ has just sorted the eggs and dug a little deeper into the nest; seems like a lovely, albeit breezy, morning. Also looks peaceful at LOTL with Marge, like EJ, looking about as if expecting company. Sorry can't stay up longer folks......
OK AQ - am more in the mood for a bowl of cereal at this point! Take care!
Mr Wonderful is on the eggs already. He is up early to egg sit. I looks like it rained a lot last night
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Different bird song - crows? EJ very alert, looking about, where is breakfast?
Odin on nest and a dog barking ! Now a crow calling, and an osprey (EJ?) flew over the nest from 1.00 o'clock direction. Crow again and Odin's eyes are everywhere!
Smiles, Jan.
BJ - Is that Odin? I can't tell. Just saw something fly past in background.
Yes you're right. Here is EJ, chirping sweetly and nudging Odin off. LOL
EJ Back on nest now, very gently and persistently persuading Odin to give up the eggs.