Evening/morning all: Let's hope the early morning show isn't as confusing as last night.
Odin just arrived with fish EJ flew off with it in her beak
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A fish supper! Well done Odin.
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
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We all saw it!! Hurrah ! But did anyone get a pic??
EDIT: Well done Odin, and well done, DjoanS ! getting a pic of it.
Fish delivery clip:
Great capture DjoanS. Thanks.
EDIT, Thanks for the video Alan.
Well done AP
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
Odin is a funny craiter"! The things he does but in a nice way!!
After the last few days it's great to witness an oasis of calm at the LG nest. Pretty boy Odin looking far too comfortable on the eggs:
Heard a lot of osprey 'shouting' & came in to find EJ reclaiming the eggs. They both had quite a conversation before Odin flew off.
Odin once again reluctant to give up the eggs! He was even chirping back at EJ :))