Evening/morning all: Let's hope the early morning show isn't as confusing as last night.
This is like watching a game of musical nests (not chairs). Odin is back and EJ has left.
Tish: I didn't dare believe the fish BrendaH saw was real until I read the new blog. Really ecstatic about it of course and hope she gets a supper fish too.( I am almost packed - organising important doc stuff into one place (passport, driving licence, plane confirmation paper (Easy Jet to Glasgow) ferry tickets (Oban to Craignure) etc etc.. ). Thanks for asking :)
Cirrus you have a great time while you are away.
Well, Alan, I'm sure going to miss your videos next week!! But expect you to hold the fort and provide a load for me to catch up on when I get back on 15th (no pressure of course LoL :) ) Thanks for the latest ones - I always enjoy them.
Thanks Margobird. But I shall look forward to your posts and everyone else's when I return. :)
Good after Alan and that was a delightful clip of the changeover. Just love the way they converse and EJ having a good preen while doing so. Thanks.
Oh, I see what you mean BrendaH - certainly is musical nests LoL
Thanks DjoanS for the "togetherness" pic. EJ and Odin really are the complete couple in all ways.
If you are like me Cirrus EJ and Odin will not be out your mind and wondering what has been going on. I will feel like this when I am in Venice, going to miss them both but will enjoy Venice I am sure.
When do you go to Venice Margobirdd? Maybe there will be an Osprey fishing in the canals :)