OK. So we're keeping a special eye out for Odin this morning..... Cirrus: I remember Odin bringing fish very early when I was watching the chicks last year - it's much lighter earlier then so that may account for it. jsb: Thanks for the info re EJ's (non-)returning chicks. BIrds must be a lot like us: We love to see our kids but aren't too keen on having them move back in and taking over the house.
Hello everyone - have been very busy - elderly (92 years) neighbour is unwell. When I finally got into site today I knew from the number of posts that there had been drama and seeing the number of posts tonight it seems as if its been a busy day. I will read all the posts this evening when I can, but meantime, Thankyou to all for posts and pics and providing the rest of us with a resume of the day.
Cirrus I said early this afternoon that my day had suddenly got better and just logged in again to find that high tea was served around 3pm so I am really on a high now. We should sing Hopelessly Devoted to You especially for Odin, he is just gorgeous, lucky EJ to have such a handsome OH.
EJ softly peeping for Odin to come to the nest and give her a break
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Couldn't agree more Margobird; EJ just got vocal on the damp evening at LG.
EJ couldn't wait and flew off for a break. Odin was at the nest with in less than a minute! He does keep a close eye on his precious eggs :)
Well, so EJ got fed up of waiting for Odin to come to the nest (obviously able to see him) and just took offl ''Your kids now''. And here is the dear chap egg sitting. Such a handsome chap.
Lindybird said: Here he is, just now: MY PIN UP BOY
Here he is, just now:
Super shot Lindybird and best pin up boy I know.
Here is another of the pin up boy for you, Margobird:
Evening DjoanS thanks for the pic of fish delivery, things certainly better today. I missed it as I had to go and do something about food for dinner tonight. I feel worn out after all the drama of the past couple of days but will certainly sleep better tonight. Amazing how EJ and Odin take over our lives.
Good evening Tish I love your descripton of drooly for EJ when the fish arrived. I get the same way with Italian and Chinese food. So good to see things back to normal for now.