HI all: I'm late starting this. Be sure to check the last two pages of the previous Weekly Chat - some interesting links, news, updates on nest data, photos. I haven't had a chance to read them all but off to do that now.
Volcanocam......as a layman, it looks to me as if the activity has increased significantly, the plume seems wider with more volume of ash, and the infra-red is showing a larger area of heat......but the site says that the infa-red on the plume is not an accurate representation, so cannot be a good indication of severity. Also the white spot below is presumably a side vent, the visible picture shows some sings of activity at that point, but difficult to say for sure.
EDIT: For 'infra-red' I meant to say, thermal imaging photography.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site
Sat track schedule Spring 2014
LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies
P.S. If anyone can work out what the moving symbol, like an inverted 'T' with a very small circle at the base standing on a red triangle is for I would like to know. The symbol moves about the hotspots when I touch the trackpad on the laptop? A mystery!
Could it be a marker that shows the hottest spot on the image, it just moved to the 'side vent' below, when the main vent turned orange and then went back to the main vent when it became white hot again,
Hi jsb. I thought it was just showing the hottest part, although it does seem to move away sometimes, but I don't seem to be able to control it and if I click on it, the picture closes.
jsb : I have not been monitoring the volcano but it certainly looks pretty active to me and Is certainly sending out clouds of ash. No idea what the inverted T thingy is but seems to centre on the hotspot on the volcano.
jsb - I think the marker is following the hottest spot - and if the small pipe is sometimes hotter than the main vent, my understanding is that it could blow. There seemed to be a general slowing down a while back, but it is all very active again now.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Brenda: It moves around on it's own, even on full screen mode....but I think we can safely assume it is showing the hottest part of the image, must be some software trick. Not sure why it seemed to be moving when I touched the trackpad. I shall go now and see what is on TV.
That's a person with a rucsack on the thermal image foreground!
Two of them on the main picture, very clear.
Lindybird That is a brilliant post! And doesn't it seem appropriate to many of them?