Evening/morning all - and yes, I too had problems getting to the RSPB site yesterday.
5:00 pm. Sounded for all the world like a displaying male osprey above the nest.
EJ sent someone away again.
Terry in Cumbria
EJ agitated again and looking around above her. Assume Odin has not been seen since 2pm.
Jings what a fright I got. just switched on and an osprey tried to land on the nest but what a fearsome sound EJ can make and mantling. The would be intruder went off and all is quiet. No she;s starting up again with that alarm call. She is moving about an dlookking every which way.
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
Intruder lands on the nest ... EJ mantles and sees it off!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
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Unknown said: 4:28 pm. Intruder on the nest. Soon seen off by EJ.
4:28 pm. Intruder on the nest. Soon seen off by EJ.
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Who would mess with our EJ!! Huh!"! Cheek!!
Just seen EJ deal with an intruder for the second time today. Then then my connection cut out. Aaaaarrrggh!. I guess the lesson is: Don't Mess With EJ!
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Tish said: Who would mess with our EJ!! Huh!"! Cheek!!
Alicat, I am a watcher at the moment, My fingers are sore to type but I haven't seen any fish deliveries although there must have been one I would have thought don't you!! Glad you are a tad better Ali.