OK guys, I think EJ will be on her own tonight. We have some friends by the house and will pop in when I can.....but also need to get some rest after a somewhat frustrating day. EJ on the nest and all is well at this point.
Just checked in to find color; no wind. EJ left a while ago for a little stretch, but was back really quickly.
Mr Wonderful is on the eggs already. He is early this morning
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
EJ is back and had to "push" Odin off the eggs again
EJ sitting quietly, a bird is singing to her (not good at bird song recognition).
Terry in Cumbria
Odin arrived with yellow moss, EJ left for wing stretch (maybe he just got caught in the moss he landed on)
EJ back and pushed him off. Looked like she brought a fish but didn't see Odin bring it before, and why would she bring it straight back? He hasn't taken it off. Must have been mistaken. Whatever it was is behind her now and she wouldn't leave a fish lying there. Crumbs, must be too early for me!
Odin flew in briefly, EJ said why are you back already, and he left.
OMG just when that intruder attacked EJ my comp crashed. What happened there?
my photos in flickr
Has ej had any fish this morning
index thread
lg stats
Did anybody else see that attack?