Evening all. All looks quiet on the nest.
Yes, I've certainly noticed it Lindybird - is it Odin hiding under the nest somewhere banging against a microphone or something the centre is doing that just sounds as if it's coming from the nest/camera tree area? Dunno -- but it's weird. Time for another fish don't you think? Bigger this time.
Edit there goes the chaffinch again
That chaffinch is a bit confusing for me, because we have one outside the window here doing just the same!
Come on Odin, get your girl a nice big fish today. ~~~~~ >>><>< <<>><
EJ examining the eggs and gently turning them around....
then she settles down on them again. What a good mother she is.
More strange noises ! Well, Lindybird, it's raining and cool here . Hey - do you think that noise is a smaller bird rooting around the nest? No, it's too 'human' sounding.
Lindybird - can you see Odin in his hde and seek place ? (I can) at back of nest? I think it's him somehow making the strange 'tapping' noise.
Oh, Alan or someone - could you take a video showing that movement at the back of the nest where Odin hides?? What is going on !!!!!!!!!!! ?
hi, just logged on again and EJ has been calling, sounded like another bird in the background a moment ago - not the chaffinch - wonder what it could be.
EJ now calling again - where is that husband of mine!! Looking around for him and up in the sky - its a though she is watching something.
Looks peaceful at LOtL.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Just caught a glimpse of movement behind the nest. Could it be Odin??
EJ has a fidget and stick arranging and settles again.
Definitely something behind nest.
Marjis now calling at LOtL - come on Malcolm where are you?
I've been away from the screen but see that some of you think Odin is in his 'hiding place' again. Wouldn't be surprised as sometimes he can be heard chirping, not far away from the nest. Go fishing, man!!