Evening all. All looks quiet on the nest.
Well, Lindybird, I'm back online after my restart - mmmm, It's marginally better - the little birds are much clearer - chaffinch in background , tw - eet one note bird in foreground . Rushing is less - unless - that was wind and it's died down now. I did hear EJ but she's still very ''quiet''. How about your perception of the matter now?
EDIT 'morning Margobird
Ah an Odin cheep I deem 'off'
YES ! a headless fish - bless you Odin - only average size but ...but .... But :)
Lindybird said: Hi auntie: are your two nests on the webcams in Finland doing OK?
Hi auntie: are your two nests on the webcams in Finland doing OK?
Hi Lindy, there is a pair in both nests and the Seili nest has probably first egg :) but that cam is down (again) at this moment, Sorry wrong thread...
my photos in flickr
Aaaargh! I went to the 'ladies', a girl has to go sometime !!!!!
Can see Odin happy on his eggs now.
Staying with my theory that the microphone is muffled today, perhaps by debris (?)
OK LIndybird, I accept this. I don't think it's 'right' either but at least the 'rushing' noise is not so loud.
Anyone know if we are looking north , south, east, or west. as we look out over the nest to the horizon ??
Lindybird said: Aaaargh! I went to the 'ladies', a girl has to go sometime !!!!! Can see Odin happy on his eggs now.
Thanks for the pic of Odin he is just the best. I was lucky enough to see the fish come in and EJ obviously hungry and took off with it stratight away.
There was something about this on a previous thread, but too long ago to look it up now. As the sun shines toward us on the camera in the mornings, it could be that the horizon you see is East (sun sets in the West).
Mmmmmm. OK thanks for that Lindybird
Missed the fish delivery again. McAfee download and it insisted I restarted the computer !! I agree the sound is muffled this morning.