Evening all. All looks quiet on the nest.
That movement is still there Lynette, perhaps it's just nesting material blowing in the wind after all. It's been going on for some considerable time now.
Unknown said: That movement is still there Lynette, perhaps it's just nesting material blowing in the wind after all. It's been going on for some considerable time now.
Could very well be Cirrus - its deceptive. EJ still looking round - where has my man gone!!
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Actually the more I look at it it certainly looks like nest material.
I agree Lynette - it's looking very much like nesting material suddenly. Oh well. Let's hope that Odin turns up soon with a fish .
Ah, a collard Dove just popped above the nest rim but scarpered quick when it saw EJ who turned her head to give it a quick look !
Went off air for a few moments then but back on now. EJ waiting patiently for her supper.
EJ and me, both Lynette. Sigh. But I've got to go out in about half an hour so I do hope a few more of us sign in and report on fish.
Hi all. Thanks for all the posts over the last couple of days, it really helps in keeping up with developments on the nest.
All quiet on the nest, apart from the chaffinch and the willow warbler having a sing-off in the background.
Ah, so that's what it was. A Willow Warbler. Very many thanks for that info Sandy. And now I must coat up and find my brolly ready to venture out. I so hope I find news of a fish when I get back late tonight.
The rain has just arrived here so I can no longer work in the garden. I will be keeping an eye on the nest. Enjoy your evening Cirrus.
EDIT : Evening Sandy.