Yesterday - two fish, not a lot of intrusions, no hatches, lots and lots of rain :-(
But we have a very healthy-looking chick, who is in fine voice:
Unknown said: Do you think there MIGHT be an addition to the nest? I could not make out anything with the graininess...
Do you think there MIGHT be an addition to the nest? I could not make out anything with the graininess...
Good morning, CC! Sorry!!! I am in my little birdie world and don't see anyone at this time of night/day.
I don't think there is an addition - I think there was one time where the egg or shell was very deceptive and looked like a hatch. As you say, it's so grainy.
Wonder if Odin's about? I saw her looking beyond the nest for a moment!
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
I do hear little drippy drops... or is that cam noises. :(
Aww. I forgot to say that I can hear the rain again - and she's getting soakeder ;-)
Poor thing. Well, off I must go now - I am tired, to leave you in the birdie world. I hesitate to think how many screens you have going at Mission Control. [eek] :-* See you on the other side.
Haha, I'm not seeing you, CC, but I'm copying everything you do ;-)
EJ still flat out but head raised a little occasionally.
No calling from EJ.
No sight nor sound of Odin yet :-/ Could he be fishing, or trying to?
It's crash time for me here, SYL, when I hope to be able to fill in any gaps necessary.
Good Morning all Poor EJ is soaked