The Webcam is down at present @ 04.40 am when I last looked.   

Well yesterday was another day of nice weather, some intrustions, a early morning fish for EJ, and the usual routine for EJ and Odin.  

The days are ticking away now and maybe by the weekend we could see our first wee bobblehead appear.

All of yesterdays happenings can be found in BIRDIE'S AMAZING BLOG.

In the absence of a webcam I have snaffled a couple of captures from yesterdays DU by  Scylla and Moffer

  • I've just read the offending blog for to me that is what it is!  I feel angry so best I say nothing however in my own defense as it was me who raised it yesterday, there was no malice towards the team, I just wanted an update or just a tweet to know what was going on off cam and I don't think that was unreasonable.  But I will never mention the VC or blog again.  So with that behind me, now to get on with important stuff - EJ and Odin :-)

    And Good Morning All  .,. thanks for all your nest reports. Hopefully a good day instore for all.  Catch up later :-)

  • Karen don't take any blame for their comments. we have all commented recognising how busy they are and also how very often they are defeated by technology. but we have all also given sensible ideas, perhaps when the day shift volunteers are on and the centre is manned maybe volunteers could with guidance do a fb or twitter blog. don't think anyone is asking for a daily full length blog.

    Glaslyn live in a caravan and they do it

  • to cheer you up Karen I was actually thinking about you yesterday and laughing as I walked part way to work, thinking of that hilarious Street walk about you took us on - now that was the funniest thing ever and you need to do it again one day :):)

  • did EJ have a fish I wonder that Odin was egg sitting

  • Unknown said:

    did EJ have a fish I wonder that Odin was egg sitting

    Will we ever know as we dare not ask?

    I'm a-checkin' the cam all the time in various browsers on various laptops ;-)

  • Hi Everyone. Not sure if I've ever posted on here before or not but wanted to let you know that (although I don't know him) Mike is correct about the many followers of these wonderful birds who may not post on the forum. I have been following every year for at least ten years and probably a few more and remember Henry and Orange vs, etc but I do not post as I find typing things on the internet can so often be taken in the wrong way.

    Before I go though (not sure when I might post again), I'd just like to say thank you so much to all of you who are so dedicated on this forum and willing to post and share 24hrs a day. Without all the info you share, people like me would have nothing to catch up on.

  • Nice to hear from you, 25Mac, and hope it's not the last time you post.... it would be a shame if you felt you couldn't write easily and happily on here.....

  • Thank you for your comments 25mac. I'm sure those you refer to will be more than pleased that their dedication is appreciated and more particularly gives pleasure to others.

    Don't be a stranger. Many friendships have been made on here and it is the camaraderie and leg pulling as well as the dedication that makes it so enjoyable.

  • Browser is on 5-minute refreshes, I'm going to have a nap.

  • LMac I totally agree with this - perhaps when the day shift volunteers are on and the centre is manned maybe volunteers could with guidance do a fb or twitter blog. don't think anyone is asking for a daily full length blog - but just to say about Glaslyn :) they do actually have a caravan for the use only of protection volunteers but they now have a lovely VC with TV screens etc running and I think the updates are mainly done by Vivien at home . In saying that yes they are great and so are other sites at communication even the smallest ones like Cumbria etc who have a wonderful webcam .

    As volunteers are now in the centre during the day I would have thought that maybe just maybe a member of staff could take a few mins out to do a daily update :) maybe just a photo of the observations board in the VC , that would not even need any written message .  I am not being critical of the VC staff honest I am not , as a volunteer at LG I know what it is like . This year as MaryGK said has been rather down on previous years for blogs !!!! :(

    Whilst writing may I give my personal thank you to all of you on here for your comments and videos etc , sometimes pinched for our group and thanks especially to Moffer who often helps us xx

    EDIT 10.00 am Cam is back online :)
