A peaceful day yesterday with two fish, one of which EJ didn't take. The weather was sunny but very windy indeed,
Cam is down at this present time. I have no idea how long it's been OfA.
(I'll let them know) EDIT, Done.
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
MSG from LG regarding the cam.
Thanks Moffer, we'll get it sorted as quickly as we can.
Cam is still down. I have to go now, but I'll be back around tea time. Hope the cam comes back on soon. SYL.
09.27 Cam still down.
So sorry to hear you are unwell Scylla. Take care.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
Morning All, Good to see the cam is up and running again, sounds a bit windy up there.Sorry to hear your not feeling good scylla,hope you feel better soon.Take Care.
09.46 Cam is back. EJ is incubating - lots of buffering. Oh, it's gone again... back again... buffering...Seems to be holding now.
10.14 EJ has started to call.
Checks eggs and settles
She continues to give the odd gentle call 10.16
Odin has arrived and EJ has left in an awful glitch. Checking.
10.46 and I find Odin incubating
He has just checked the eggs, and settled again j
FISH @ 1043hrxxxxxxxxxxxxx ... NO! See BIRDIE's frame-by-frame later. I can see now that what I thought was fish-flesh was actually osprey eggs!
A headless fish:
Sizable, as EJ flies off with it:
10.53 EJ's back. She just wanted a wee break. She is chirruping gently, and is having to persuade Odin to get up!!
So sweet. Eventually he moves, and takes off. As slick as ever, EJ is incubating.