Yesterday - a two-fish day, two-intrusion day (I think Moffer said that already)...
Today - a very bad start from my point of view, waking up late to a big monochrome buffer, refreshing to find EJ in glorious colour on the nest:
Just going to check when the buffer started.
We are where we are.
Morning Scylla, Mike and Paily, and everyone else who joins us today. I'm so rubbish at chatting when I'm busy, so please excuse me.
Don't worry about the buffer Scylla, it happens. I'm sure if anything vital happened, Birdie will have it. She does a great job behind the scenes.
Nice pic Patily. You are on the ball today.
EJ has just started to gently call again.
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
Morning all and thanks for the updates so far.
Hopefully a peaceful day ahead and we see fish but no intruders. SYL
EJ talking quietly
Good Morning KAREN and MOFFER
scylla said:I'm sure he did but it's a repeat of yesterday, EJ just isn't ready, so he's flown with it.
I agree, it's a fish. It's hard to see once he lands in this light tho. Perhaps EJ is holding out for a bigger one, lol.
She didn't look at his feet once, to busy calling :(
EJ is wittering.Morning Karen.
EJ is calling
Morning everyone. I hope EJ soon dries out. I wonder if Odin will bring the fish back?
Odin has landed. Fish is gone. EJ leaves.
Odin has just taken over and he may have brought the fish back.
(Am late reporting, I thought it would already be here.)
EDIT - OK, it is now :-)