One egg laid early and dispensed with, two further eggs being cherished by MrsG and Aran.
It's been a wet April in Wales. Intruders a-plenty, but Aran seems to have forsaken his 'other woman' and is devoted to MrsG and his eggs.
This morning @ about 0935hr - a fish for MrsG:
Delivery with rather weak sound, but it's something ;-)
Aran returns with a twig and Mrs G gets out of his way and leaves
She returns and he is not going to move.
Aran has finally left. Hopefully he has gone fishing.
No he didn't go fishing, but he wasn't allowed on the eggs, so he left.
Mrs G went for a quick fly around and before she returned, Aran was already on the eggs.
See you later.
Mrs G ( night camera not on yet )
It is now
Arran incubating at present.
Birdies LG DU update.
MrsG now - I'll see when changeover/s.