One egg laid early and dispensed with, two further eggs being cherished by MrsG and Aran.
It's been a wet April in Wales. Intruders a-plenty, but Aran seems to have forsaken his 'other woman' and is devoted to MrsG and his eggs.
This morning @ about 0935hr - a fish for MrsG:
Delivery with rather weak sound, but it's something ;-)
Aran was incubating with Mrs G o the perch but Aran just flew up to the perch and Mrs G flew down to take over incubating duties
Aran has flown Perhaps he has gone fishing
Both birds on the nest.
Mrs G sitting on her eggs and then Aran joins her.
Aran does seem to enjoy egg sitting and Mrs G is happy to let him.
Mrs G
Mrs G has a rest from incubating.
Aran back on the eggs. Mrs G remains.
Mrs G finally persuades Aran to get off the eggs.
He has left.
A closer view of Mrs G